A Slumber Surprise

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The next few weeks were filled with text, calls and memes (and wasn't that a discovery?). Peter gleefully introduced him to Ned roughly 2 weeks after their first encounter. While Harry was meshing well with Ned, he just couldn't get into the fanboying about Iron man and all of the technology rambling. However they got along surprisingly well when it came to the discussion on magic (book versions such as the hobbit, chronicles of Narnia and Alice in wonderland) and the many applications they could be used in the modern world and in battle. Peter would try to get in his points before being countered with a more detailed and well thought out application of that same spell.

Thanks to all of those sleepless nights from nightmares, Harry was able to catch up on many of the classics in literature and the history of this world. While he may now have permanent eye bags and be addicted to coffee he can now be well versed in the many classic sand was slowly getting to movies. On one such call, Peter was rambling on one movie serial called Star Wars and when Harry interjected that he didn't know what that was, Peter acted as though it was a crime against humanity. He immediately texted Ned and asked his aunt and uncle if he could have a sleepover and they gave permission as summer holidays have begun. When Peter asked if Harry could come over, he promptly answered he could and only after Peters curious interjection if he should ask his aunt for permission first did he remember he was living with his 'aunt'. Quickly masking his surprise with a stilted laugh, he pretended to ask Petunia if he could go before saying he could.

After that slightly awkward moment, it turns out that Ned also got the go ahead and so the impromptu sleepover could commence. While Harry was packing an overnight bag, he silently pondered over the logistics over how he was even friends with 13 year olds when he technically is 21 mentally. Maybe it has something to do with him not having a direct link to his memories. Harry discovered when his online lessons were finished and he was bored that he can't completely access his memories past Hogwarts. He could remember what happened but he doesn't have any emotional attachments to them, like looking through them from a 3rd person perspective. However in return he could remember all of the emotional trauma he received through 1st to 7th year more strongly leading to nightmares and flashbacks daily. Harry now has 3 friends: Peter, Ned and Coffee.

Finishing packing he headed off to Peters house and when he arrived at the Parker's residence, Ned was already there and was helping Peters Aunt organizing the couch so it could easily be transformed into a pullout bed. Uncle Ben was making the popcorn while Peter was setting up the movie "Am I late?" "Nah, just in time"Peter shot back before slumping down on the couch. Ben arrived with the popcorn while they were all situating themselves into the couch, switching the lights off and set himself on the couch.

When the movies started, Harry was absorbed into it. All of the science and fantasy elements with a rich background and stories completely grabbed his attention. Peter and Ned quoted random lines during it which may annoy some people but elevated the experience to Harry as he never had the chance to enjoy. May and Ben retired into their bed after the movie but only after making them promise to watch only one more movie as to get some sleep. They agreed and harry could enjoy zoning out of his thoughts and into the movie and his goofy friends. Laughing quietly when Ned and Peter decided to recreate some moments.

After that movie they all went to sleep, Harry would stay in the living room on a pullout couch that turned into a bed while Ned would take out the mattress in Peters room and sleep there. However before Harry went to sleep, he cast silencing wards around as he didn't want to wake up the rest of the house with his shuffling or screams. He made permanent ones in his bedroom apartment after getting multiple noise complaints after a few weeks. He was proven correctly when he woke up at 4am with a scream lodged in his throat and a flash of green behind his eyes. Groaning, he grabbed his phone from his bag and scrolled over the news and after seeing that nothing happened, he opened up a eBook of his current read. Reading until the break of dawn he could hear shuffling coming from the guardians room and could see from the corner of his eye, Ben shuffling out to make breakfast. Roughly 5 minutes later, Harry got up and pretended that he just got out of bed. Ben sleepily chuckled over the floofed mess that was Harry's hair before Peter stumbled out of his room with Ned behind him. All of them looked so sleepy that they could fall asleep while standing.

When May left the bedroom she saw that the boys were all gobbling up pancakes and laughing about a story that Ben was talking about from his childhood. She smiled fondly before snagging herself a pancake and joining in with her own stories about Peter when he was young. Peter being embarrassed over how he would only eat sandwiches when they were cut diagonally countered how May recently made a pot of boiling water catch flames. This prompted Ned to interject with his own stories of childhood and while this was going on, Harry was silently eating his small portion of pancakes (having his physic of an underfed and under malnourished teen was not fun on a shrunken stomach). He didn't have a lot of fun stories he could talk about without the involvement of magic and he couldn't exactly talk about that.

Following that breakfast, Harry was thankful that nobody asked him about his past and got some delicious pancakes. He and Ned headed off to their own places as Harry was in desperate need of caffeine or else he will abandon the world of the awake and slip into the realm of nightmares. When he arrived he put in 2 heaped teaspoons of instant coffee into a cup, casted an aguamenti and heated it up with a heating charm. Taking a sip he relaxed, took a seat on a large armchair fashioned from the Griffindoor common rooms and thought about all that happened int the last month or so.

1) He transferred dimensions, that's fine though as Harry is used to the universe chucking things like this at him.

2) He was suddenly younger and his memories are messed up, but it's also fine since he still remembers and can grow up.

3) There are more magic streams than in his dimension, so this prompts more magical beings so a different society and probably rules for each stream. Though there's nothing he can do about that as he is currently 13.

4)He now has 2 new friends after his break from Ron and Hermione and he is so grateful for them.

5) His birthday is coming up and he has no idea what to do.

With the end of July approaching swiftly, Harry was left with a situation he didn't think he would be in. See, after his defeat of Voldemort he became slightly isolated. The fame of the Boy who Conquered blinding anyone who would be genuine with him, and so he didn't celebrate his birthday. The only thing he did was wait until it was midnight and get a slice of cake, pink usually as a nod to his first ever cake he received from Hagrid. However, now he could go outside without reporters on his heels and enjoy his time with Peter and Ned. Maybe he could do something like go to the arcade for the first time or just hang out in the park or something. Just to celebrate it properly for the first time.

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