A Magical Event

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When Harry apparated he was met with a sight that was similar yet not really to the time he entered this dimension. Rubble surrounded the streets and he could feel the magic strands tensing and relaxing at odd moments. There was a large section of it further down the street and as Harry approached he saw that there was a large rift in the middle of the street. Two magic wielders were battling a group of dark robed magic wielders and seemed to be doing quite well against such a large number of people. Harry decided that he would simply observe, unaware of the consequences should he choose a side. However he did summon his cloak to be safe as the large piles of concrete didn't look stable enough to be able to withstand a single attack from a battle.

All was going well until one stray magic spell hit the pile that Harry was hiding behind, he quickly dove out of the way, tossed the cloak off into a pocket space and grabbed the Elder wand from its holster. The sight that greeted him when the dust settled was the group that were fighting the 2 men were disintegrated into dark dust, similarly to how Voldemort had disappeared. That small flashback put Harry on edge and alert. He quickly hid behind another pile as the 2 were catching their breath. Harry was busy checking the magic streams as to see if there were any changes around him, one moment they were relaxed until they suddenly tightened and seemed almost tangled towards the group.

Due to Harry's distraction he didn't notice that one man had been exchanged for another. Except this one had blue robes on and a red cape. The two were tiredly bickering and Harry was about to investigate the site and the streams reactions to the place and the people. Harry must have not been careful enough as when he tucked the wand away back into its holster and tried to creep away, he kicked a small piece of rock from the rubble he was hidden behind. He heard the conversation behind him screech to a halt and attempted to run away quietly. This didn't work.Harry had almost gotten to an alleyway when he felt a hand grab his shoulder.

Smacking the hand off, Harry whipped around to see that the man dressed in the blue robes had grabbed him with a spell active on the other hand. Harry was openly observing the magic since it was unlike anything he could have seen throughout his world. "What are you doing here kid?" Blue robed man stated, slightly demanding but definitely stern enough to make any other kid Harry's age tremble or even cry. "Lay off him Strange, can't you see he's a kid? Tell us your name and we can help find your parents" Before Harry could even say anything Strange replied "We don't have time to be acting as a babysitter Wong". So Harry now knows that Wong is the man in the red robes and Strange is the man in the blue robes. Up close Harry could see that Strange was actually Dr. Stephen Strange, the man that Harry had been researching these past couple of days. The two men were slowly delving into their own conversation, so Harry saw this as a chance to escape.

During one moment when Wong looked frustrated and Strange looked smug harry booked it. He ran towards the ally he was aiming for and could almost feel the shock that came from the pair from his abrupt movement. The two were running after him, probably due to the adrenaline still in their system from the fight and with no malice but Harry was still on edge form the disintegration so he panicked and apparated away into his bedroom. Groaning he sat on his bed and thought about how stupid it was to do that. Still he couldn't stop himself from passing out from the adrenaline crash and lack of sleep.


"What on Earth was that? He didn't open a portal so he's not a sorcerer and the only other magic users are the Asgardians and he is clearly not one of them" "Wong, I truly do not know" Strange lifted his shaking hands to pinch his nose and tilted his head towards the sky in an attempt to keep the headache from forming. "However we do need to look for him so we know the dangers he possess with his powers." Wong was in agreement and opened a portal to the sanctum where he had received the title of Sorcerer Supreme.

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