A Crash And School

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Harry found this school boring, sure it had some interesting elements like chemistry which was similar to potion and maths which he could distinctly remember Hermione rambling about how runes were similar to maths. Personally he found chemistry interesting but he didn't have the passion for it like Peter did and hated maths. He found this interesting girl in English that would constantly draw him and when he asked all he got was that she liked drawing people in crisis. Smiling he replied that she was very good at drawing after being shown a drawing of his and went on with his day. From the people around him he discovered that it was Michelle Jones-Watson. She seemed to have the same vibes as Harry, so they understood each other and usually paired up for any group work together.

Peter and Ned absolutely enjoyed subtly messing with people with their duo innocent act. If they were caught in the science classroom after hours all they would do is bat their pretty eyelashes and say that they forgot their pencil case or something, while Harry would be in the corner just standing there. The teachers thankfully don't bother him as he doesn't seem to be a kid who gets into trouble often (oh but all of Hogwarts would STRONGLY disagree). Their trio was perceived as a pair of dogs playing while a cat somehow joined them and decided to stay. When Harry went to his first book club meeting, he saw that Michelle was already there. Together they would just talk about literature and through her, Harry was able to glean into the world of politics with her slightly pessimistic view. While Harry focused on the bigger picture and viewed news all around the world, Michelle focused on the events and the impacts of politics and society.

One such piece of news that caught Harry's attention for some reason was how a prestigious new brain surgeon got into a tragic car accident, spelling the end of his career. When he red this, he could sense the magic streams around him tense, tremble and suddenly release. Slightly concerned, Harry took out his wand and started twirling the streams around, looking for any anomalies that he could see. Finding none, he returned his wand to its holster but continued to monitor the streams just in case. Not knowing why reading this piece of news would make his stream react in a new way, Harry took note of the person and the headline before getting on with his way. After researching the man online, Harry knew that the streams reacted to the man as it seemed to react to every piece of news he discovered. Flummoxed, Harry noted down all information he could gather and by the end of the week, he had a file on everything he could find.

Over the next few weeks of school and internet research on a certain Stephen Strange caused Harry to be a busy person, Peter and Ned attempted to get Harry out of his researching hole but excluding invading his house there wasn't a lot that they could do. Frankly they were surprised that he wasn't a vampire at this point, Harry could laugh it off before deliriously wondering if he could possibly turn into one just to avoid his dreams. Life went on and everything was going well until a few days into winter break, Harry sensed a magic disturbance with the streams. Concerned, he places the book he was reading down, held the Elder wand in his hand and apparated.

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