Chapter Seven: So Long, Suckers!

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"Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Wolf." Marmalade started.

Diane and Wolf quickly separated from each other, Diane going to stand by (Y/n), and Wolf standing by his friends. Shark quickly nudged Wolf forward with furrowed eyebrows and an evil smile.

"As you know, the money raised tonight will be delivered tomorrow to schools, hospitals, and other worthy causes across the city!" Marmalade finished, making the audience cheer.

Wolf adjusted his suit and walked to Marmalade. He cleared his throat, catching Marmalade's attention. Marmalade moved, making room for Wolf at the center of the stage. "I just wanna take a moment to recognize the one responsible for our new outlook. Our brilliant mentor..." Wolf pulled out the button to cut the lights, his thumb hovering over the button. "The one and only, Professor..." Wolf made the mistake of looking at Diane, her expectant look making him pause. His thumb shook over the button. Should he really be doing this? After all the work he's put in, that they all put in, to be good? "Professor..." In a split-second decision, Wolf lifted his thumb off of the button and hid it back in his sleeve. "Professor Marmalade!" Wolf stretched out his arms with his exclamation.

Snake's eyes widened in shock and a small gasp was released from his mouth.

The Chief put the code in the case and took the Golden Dolphin out as the case opened.

Wolf stretched out his hands to the Chief. "Chief, may I do the honors?" Wolf asked.

The Chief, now trusting of Wolf, gladly hands him the award.

Wolf quickly strides to Marmalade and hands him the Golden Dolphin.

"That's not the plan!" Piranha whispered to Webs.

"What is happening?" Webs whispered back.

"He's gone rogue," Shark added.

Snake looked at Wolf in disbelief, then his eyes drifted over to the young fox next to Wolf.

(Y/n) was looking at Wolf in disbelief as well, until, slowly, a smile began stretching across her face and her tail wagged harder than Snake had ever seen. He frowned deeply. Could this be because of her?

"A deal's a deal." Diane started, walking closer to Wolf.

Wolf smiled gently at Diane and moved so she could have the center of the stage.

"By the power vested in me, it is a pleasure to grant the Bad Guys a full par--" Before Diane could finish, the power went out suddenly.

(Y/n) felt a rush of wind move past her, then the lights came back on. (Y/n) looked around, noticing that the meteorite and Marmalade were gone.

"The meteorite is gone!" A man in the crowd exclaimed.

"Somebody stole it!" Another man yelled. The rest of the crowd glared at the Bad Guys, believing they stole the meteorite.

The Chief growled and stormed to Wolf, her face turning red with anger.

"Come on, you can't possibly think that we did this." Wolf tried to explain.

Behind him, a pixelated gif of Wolf's face putting on sunglasses with the text, 'SO LONG SUCKERS' appeared, along with Wolf's voice repeating the text. The Bad Guys slowly looked at the screen in disbelief.

"Run!" Snake yelled, jumping over the Chief and into the crowd. The rest of the group followed suit.

Wolf ran through the crowd and picked up a map of the city. As he skidded to a stop in front of the bar, he turned around to face the charging police. He put the map in his mouth and grabbed two bottles of champagne. Wolf put his thumbs over the top of the bottles and shook them quickly. Pointing them at the still-charging police, he lifted his thumbs, shooting the champagne out of the bottle. The champagne hit the police in their faces, knocking them down. Wolf smirked before realizing what he did, He looked down at the empty bottles frantically and shoved them into the hands of another cop. Wolf knocked down tables and jumped over more police as he ran back to the stage with the map and a pen.

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