Chapter Eight: Jail Break

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Written in one night, sorry if it's bad, just figured you guys deserved a little treat.

Diane led (Y/n) to the car and looked at the map Wolf gave them. She nodded her head and adjusted her mirror to look back at the distraught pup.

(Y/n) wiped her eyes quickly and looked at the butterfly that Shark gave her. "I thought they were going to try. I really thought...I thought they liked me." (Y/n) whimpered.

"They did--they do! We just need to find out what happened." Diane assured. She turned on the car and set the map on her dashboard. "And I know where to start." Diane began driving.

The map led the two to a secluded area underneath an overpass. Diane almost drove past a large tunnel but quickly stomped on her brakes. She got out of the car and looked into the dark tunnel. Diane took out the map and looked around. Once she decided that this was the place, she unlocked the backseat door and let (Y/n) out. Diane led the two through the dark tunnel. The two got to a service elevator and looked at each other.

(Y/n) shrugged and walked inside the elevator, Diane following. The elevator closed and led the two up. Once it reached the top floor, it opened, revealing the Bad Guy's secret hideout.

Gold coins, precious art, stolen furniture, piles of money, and other priceless treasures littered the hideout.

Wolf's voice rang through Diane's head, 'I'm giving it all back.'

Diane looked down at (Y/n) and got on one knee. "I need you to stay here, okay? I'm sending the Chief up here in a bit to get this stuff back to its rightful owners, but until then, I need you to stay here and stay safe, understand?" Diane asked.

(Y/n) nodded, still downcast from the events.

"Hey," Diane gently lifted (Y/n)'s head to look her in the eyes, "once this is all over I promise we'll have the biggest birthday party ever, okay?"

(Y/n) smiled slightly, but the smile did not reach her eyes. "Okay." She nodded.

Diane smiled sadly and stood. She quickly turned and walked back to the service elevator. Diane pressed the down button and waved to (Y/n).

(Y/n) waved back until the doors closed. She looked around the empty hideout and walked to the leather couch stuffed with money. (Y/n) sat on the couch and brought her knees to her chest. A glint on her wrist caught her eye. (Y/n) furrowed her eyebrows and looked at the watch on her wrist. She opened a Tetris game on the watch and tuned out the world around her, only focusing on the game.

Across the sea was a large prison facility, labeled S.U.C.M. It housed the most dangerous criminals, now including the Bad Guys.

"I can't believe we got double-crossed by a tiny rodent," Shark announced.

"Oh, we got double-crossed by a rodent all right, but, uh, not a tiny one." Snake sneered.

"What?" Shark asked, surprised.

"This was supposed to be us conning Marmalade. It turns out it was Wolf conning us." Snake revealed as he got dragged to the front desk by an angry officer.

The officer stretched out Snake's neck, forcing him to spit out everything in his stomach. The officer felt around Snake's suit and pulled out the crudely made pin, tossing that on the counter as well.

Snake blinked at the pin on the counter sadly. The officer at the front desk looked between Snake and the pin and sighed. He grabbed the pin and slid it towards Snake gently. The officer holding Snake looked at the other officer questioningly.

"I got a kid too. It don't matter how bad you are, you love them either way." The officer said nothing else, turning back to the other paraphernalia to log it.

The Bad Guys: Child Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now