Chapter 4: Stolen Wings

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Maleficent awoke the next morning, feeling a jarring pain along his back. He groaned as he sat up, and placed a hand on his shoulder. He looked behind him and saw that his wings were gone. They had been cut off. He gasped in horror and whimpered in pain, before letting out several loud cries of agony.

His loud cries had woken up (Y/n), who immediately sat up in a panic.

"What?! What happ—!" She cut herself off seeing Maleficent clutching his back and his wings missing. "Oh my god..." she whispered, covering her mouth with her hands.

Maleficent barely paid her any attention as he continued to scream.


His screams echoed through the woods, and reached Stefan, who pulled his hood over his head and climbed onto the cart that had Maleficent's wings wrapped up.


Maleficent had stopped yelling and was just whimpering and silently crying.

(Y/n) slowly brought her arms up and tried to embrace him as gently as possible. He leaned his head onto her shoulder and continued to cry as she stroked his hair, a few tears falling down her face as she did so.


Back at the castle, Stefan carried the large wings into the King's bed chambers and placed them on the end of his bed, jerking him awake.

"What is this?" He weakly asked.

Stefan undid the ropes that held the cloth around the wings together, and pulled them away.

"I have avenged you, sire." Stefan told him.

The King looked at the wings in surprise. "He is vanquished? Oh, you have done well, my son. You have done what others have feared to do. You will be rewarded." He promised.

"I shall do my best to be a worthy successor, Your Majesty." Stefan vowed.

He then turned and left the room, leaving the King to rest.


Snow fell all around the Moors, as well as (Y/n) and Maleficent. Maleficent slowly attempted to pull himself off the ground. (Y/n) tried to put her hands on his arm to help him up, but he batted her away, silently insisting that he didn't need her help. Maleficent hunched over as he stood, breathing heavily. He noticed some twigs on the ground next to him, so he bent down to pick one up.

When he did, green mist surrounded it, and it transformed into a large wooden staff with a green jewel on top. He used the staff to try and steady himself as he walked through the forest.

(Y/n) watched him slowly hobble away, feeling herself growing a bit worried. She still could not believe that Stefan had done that to him. She thought he was their friend, but he had brutally betrayed them. Maleficent more than her. He had just gone through an extremely traumatic event, and she was concerned about how this was going to affect him.

He was already acting distant, but (Y/n) knew he needed some time to heal, both physically and mentally. At this point all she could do was try to be there for him for whatever he needed, and support him as much as she could. Right now, she figured he needed some time to himself.

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