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Syiaer Halo Anders | Sy

It's been 3 days since I heard from E, and it wasn't like her. " Hey mamas, you wanna go outside. " I said to my daughter. She smiled at me and shook her head.

I grabbed her a blanket and my folding chair to put outside. I carried her and the two item outside. I was met with Kdoe walking out.

We exchanged mugs and went about our buisness. Several minutes passed as Ailani played with her toys and the grass. Essence's door unlocking cause me to jolt my head that direction.

She opened the door and immediately fell out the house. She was in bad condition; Her hair was matted, her face was bruised and had dried blood everywhere, her body was bruised and she had blood dripping from her legs.

I just stared at her, her beautiful face.. It made me shed a tear. I stopped crying real quick when her door opened and some man stepped out.

" Aye pretty boa, I got her. " He said walking up to us. I would put my hands on him but my daughter was with me at the moment.

He bent down to pick her up and she attempted to fight back " NOO. " she said crying as he dragged her back in the house. she tried her best to get out his grip.

" Ayee, I can't watch this shit bro. " I said pushing him back. He pulled his gun out and pointed it at my head " I said I got her bitch. " I put my hands up in defense and look at him. He was so lucky that my daughter was here because it would be a shootout.

I backed away and let him take her back in the house. I picked my daughter up and took my stuff back in the house and pulled my phone out to call the police.

I told them the situation and they were here in under 5 minutes. Our front porch was surrounded by police cars left and right. I sat on the porch anxiously waiting to know the next move.

They pulled 3 guys out the house in hand cuffs & pulled Essence out on a stretcher. " E, is you okay ? " I said rushing by her side. She looked at me and mouthed " thank you ".

" Aye, Aye. What's going on? " Kdoe said as he walked up to the stretcher. " We're taking her to the hospital. She's severely dehydrated, she has bruises EVERYWHERE, and she has bleeding in her groin area. " The lady paramedic said glaring at him.

" Can I go with her? I'm her boyfriend " He said looking at her. " No, the only people allowed is family & spouse. For some reason, while she was with you, you didn't think to call her some help ? " the paramedic said.

" What me and my girl got going on don't involve y'all, that's why I didn't call. She is okay look at her. " He said pointing at her. " I'm without a job right now and she bring in the money. " He added in.

" You won't need a job where you're going. " The male paramedic said zip tying his hands.


[ I love me a time jump .. cause who writing allat? ]

A year later

" Baby is you ready? " I called out to E while putting on Royal shoes. " I'm coming, damn! " she said stomping towards the stairs.

" Why you always rushin me ? " she asked flipping down on the couch. " Because, you know how you do. We still gotta pick up Ailani. " I said putting her shoes on.

" Well, I'm ready now. " She said standing up picking up Royal. " Cmon Liyah baby. We doing this for you girly. " she said smiling at her. Taliyah was graduating first grade ( i think 😂 ) and her birthday was today.

" Can I get loads of ice cream Sysy? " She asked with a big smile. " You can't have loads because then it will mess up your teeth, but you can have enough. " I said buckling her seat belt.

~ & ~

" Taliyah Stewart " the principle said as we cheered her on. " Sissy " Royal yelled out standing on the chair. Essence was taking 7200 pictures like she always do. " I'm so proud of my baby.. I just wish somebody was here to see it " She said getting sad.

" Absolutely not E, im here stop tryna be sad " I said wiping her face. " We almost done, we can eat you just hungry right now. " I said facing the stage.

After the graduation liyah ran over to us. she jumped in my arms and hugged me. " I did it sysy. Did you guys see that? " she said smiling. " I'm so proud of baby. " She said kissing her cheek. " Let's take some pictures so we can go. " I said placing Taliyah down.


Liked By luvmini_ And OthersProud mommy moment ❤️

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Liked By luvmini_ And Others
Proud mommy moment ❤️.
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2 hours ago

~ & ~

" Royal stopppp, it's minessss " Liyah said snatching her sundae away from him. " Royal you got ya own right there man" I said pushing it closer to him. " These kids do the most " Essence said wiping Ailani mouth off.

" They good. That's what kids do E, don't get worked up " I said grabbing Lani. " We still going to Jah'mene house? " I said handing her the wipes " Yea, let's go " She said placing a $20 on the table.

~ & ~

" Aye, ima step outside real quick. I gotta call Lexi. " I told them stepping outside. I called her 3 times, each time getting a voicemail. After the 3rd I left a voicemail. " Yoo, im just calling to know what time you want Ailani home. " I said hanging up the phone.

" E, how long has it been since we talked to Lexi? " I asked coming back in the house. " umm.. since we picked lani up why? " She said putting Journei down. " She not answering the phone. I'm confused "

" We can talk to her when we drop lani off " She said looking at me.

~ & ~

" Hollon baby, ima be back. " I said hoppin out the car. I knocked on Lexi door about 6 times before she finally answered the door. She looked completely out of it.

" Lexi, what the fuck is wrong with you? " I questioned her .. examining her. " Baby who at the do- fuck y'all doin hea? " I said cutting him off

" Dis our bitch shit , fuck you doin hea ? " Meijai said looking back at me. " Dis my babymama and you know that df? " I said looking between him & Kdoe.

" Yea yea yea wtv " Lexi said covering her arm seeing me stare at it. " You came to drop Ailani off ? " she scratching her head.

" I came to check on you, & you're clearly not gonna be a reliable parent so she can stay with me. " I said turning around and leaving.


They together now :) , Idk what to put after this. But enjoy these too.. the book still temporarily discontinued ❤️.

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