Chapter 67 - My fault (Short Series 3)

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Atsushi: I'll be going on ahead now.

Kunikida: Good work today, kid.

Atsushi: *leaves with Kyoka waiting by the door*

Kunikida: *sighs and knocks on Dazai's head on his desk*

Dazai: Yeeees?

Kunikida: What's up with you two? Atsushi seems like he's distant with you since the other day.

Dazai: ..My fault.

Kunikida: Huh? I mean, I could've guessed that. But whatever that is, shouldn't you try to fix it?

Dazai: I'm trying, but Atsushi-kun keeps shutting me down whenever I ask for another sleep o- *gets his face up with sparkly eyes and a bright expression at some sort of realization* Kunikida-kun! Can you hel-

Kunikida: No.

Dazai: Kunikida-kun!!

Kunikida: What?!

Dazai: I've actually come up with something. I just need Atsushi-kun to agree to one more sleep over!

Kunikida: Uh-huh..

Dazai: For that, I'll need to be absent tomorrow! *holds his hands up right away* Stop, stop, stop!! Hold it, Kunikida-kun! Hear me out!

Kunikida: *holds off his fist*

Ranpo: *jumps out of his seat* Whatever that is, I can guarantee it's going to work. So, you better help out to ease your worries too, Kunikida.

Kunikida: *jumps and immediately turns around to face Ranpo* I w-wasn't-

Dazai: *shiny eyes* So you were worrie-

Kunikida: Shut up and tell me what I need to do!

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