Chapter 71 - To you too (Short Series 7)

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A/N: Second longest chapter!


Dazai: *is smiling when the door to his bedroom opened and an Atsushi who just finished drying his hair entered*

Atsushi: *with a light blush on his face, his eyes squinted* ... *his futon is stuck close to Dazai's, and once again, there's only one not-so-big blanket...*

Dazai: Come here, Atsushi-kun!

Atsushi: *it's okay- I'll resist the cold for now..* *settles down beside Dazai*

Dazai: Atsushi-kuuuuuun~ *immediately wraps his arm around Atsushi*

Atsushi: D-Dazai-san- huh?

Dazai: *when he threw his arm around Atsushi, he also threw a different blanket over them*

Atsushi: This.. Is this a new one?

Dazai: *face stuck to Atsushi's upper body* Mhm! I bought it the other day!

Atsushi: It's cozy..

Dazai: And reaaaaaally wide! This way, we'll have enough to cover! You won't have to be troubled whenever I turn to one side and try to cover my entire body- because it's big enough! :D

Atsushi: ...

Dazai: *parts from his hug and tries to look at Atsushi* Atsushi-kun? Hey-

Atsushi: *cups Dazai's face and kisses him, which he returned. For several seconds, he found himself on top of Dazai, and one of his hands went down to his sides. Remembering his lover's state, he parted, but still held Dazai's face with one hand*

Dazai: ..Are you holding back?

Atsushi: ..Yes.

Dazai: Is it because I was sick?

Atsushi: *purses his lips*

Dazai: Atsushi-kun, *breathes in and reaches out for his cheek too as he looks away* I was never sick.

Atsushi: ... *eyebrows furrowing*

Dazai: Please listen- *tries to look at Atsushi's intense stare* I.. I got Kunikida-kun to go along with my charade just so I could wake up with you here again. I know, I know. It's my fault I keep haggling the cover for myself bu-

Atsushi: *hugs*

Dazai: ..?

Atsushi: ..I'm sorry.

Dazai: *hugs back, with one hand tangling itself in Atsushi's hair, and chuckles* Why are you apologizing? I should be the one doing that.

Atsushi: *only tightens his embrace*

Dazai: ..For neglecting your needs because of my habit when I sleep, I'm sorry, Atsushi-kun. *pulls him closer if that's even possible* Please accept my sleep over requests again?

Atsushi: *nods his head*

Dazai: Yay! Thank you! :D

Atsushi: *stayed snuggling without a single word coming out from him*

Dazai: *couldn't resist his giggle at how cute Atsushi was being, and so he plays with his hair*

Atsushi: *muffled voice because his head is buried on Dazai's neck* ..I'm glad you weren't sick.

Dazai: You're not mad I lied about it?

Atsushi: No, not really. Recalling what happened earlier.. Ranpo-san told me to remind you of something in exchange for a favor. And I assume that's about..

Dazai: Heh. Got it. I did rope him into this too. *chortles*

Atsushi: *sighs* I wouldn't have resisted not sleeping with you for too long too, anyway, you know.

Dazai: Wha- really? Aww..

Atsushi: *lifts himself up and peeks to meet Dazai's brown eyes, and smiles* Though, I think this is nice, too.

Dazai: *pouts*

Atsushi:*drops a smack kiss before sliding away from the hug and settling just right beside him* We should sleep now, Dazai-san.

Dazai: Osamu.

Atsushi: What?

Dazai: *sighs and faces Atsushi's side with an annoyed expression* I keep telling you to call me by my first name.

Atsushi: Ah.

Dazai: Don't just 'ah' me. *pout*

Atsushi: *laughs and scoots close to cuddle* Alright, alright. I'll.. try to get used to it.

Dazai: You better. *wraps his arm around him, his fingers finding a way back to play with Atsushi's locks*

Atsushi: ..If you don't mind, please keep doing what you're doing unless you're tired.

Dazai: Hm? Does it feel good?

Atsushi: Mhm.

Dazai: Your wish is my command, then.

Atsushi: Goodnight, Daz-.. Osamu-san.

Dazai: *beams* To you too, kitten.

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