Chapter 69 - See if I'm still hot (Short Series 5)

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Dazai: Atsushi-kun? *echoes from the bedroom*

Atsushi: *had just opened the door and gets inside* Yes, it's me, Dazai-san. Ack.. *the place was as messy as the last time he was here*

Atsushi: *sighs* Dazai-san, do you need anything?

Dazai: A glass of water, maybe?

Atsushi: *gets* Dazai-san, I'm coming in. *opens door and was greeted with a smiling Dazai in bed*

Dazai: Atsushi-kun! *raises his arms* I feel better already now that I see you!

Atsushi: *blushes slightly as he puts the glass of water down close to his futon, but not too close to be knocked over* Sure, as if it works that way.

Dazai: Test it! See if I'm still hot!

Atsushi: ..You are. *mumbles*

Dazai: *sly smile* I know.

Atsushi: *blushes and crawls on top of Dazai* F-fine, I'm checking. *presses his forehead on Dazai's* Huh, you're right. Your fever seems to have cooled down.

Dazai: See! Atsushi-kun's presence cured me! *Atsushi looks away, his blush remained, though* Oh! Atsushi-kun, your temperature seems to be hotter than mine.

Atsushi: Eh? Reall- *face reddens profusely when Dazai stole a chaste kiss, so he then moves away from him covering his mouth* D-Dazai-san!

Dazai: *beams*

Atsushi: *sighs* Well, it seems that you're fine now. I'll leave these reports on the side-

Dazai: Wait!

Atsushi: Yes?

Dazai: I might get sick again if Atsushi-kun leaves. Can you stay over?

Atsushi: *closes his eyes and purses his lips* Err.. *It's fine- it's just for tonight since he's sick..* Okay. I'll go clean up for now.

Dazai: Yay! *first part of the plan, went smoothly! Now for the second phase to finally get him to sleep over again every day!*

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