Chapter 6

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"Okay, thank you all for the updates. Hopefully we can get more leads in the next couple of weeks to really start making some traction with finding the perp," Jason said after they went around the living room at their home, each providing a status report.

"Um, Dad, one other thing. I was wondering if I could join Cole and Mindy to plant the computer bugs tonight instead of going to the Dean's dinner?" Lexi had been thinking all day about how to bring up the topic with her parents.

"Lex, is everything okay? I thought you were excited to tag along with us on that one?" Scarlett raised her brows.

"I think you should go, Lex! Cole and I can handle everything just fine. He'll be training me anyway." Mindy gave Lexi a knowing smirk while Lexi gave her ex-best friend a pout and squint.

"I mean I can't say I'm looking forward to training Mindy by myself. It seems like a weeklong task just to show her how to turn on a computer," Cole said as he crossed his arms. Mindy glared at Cole and muttered something unintelligible before he continued. "But, Lexi, you really should go. You may meet other students or faculty members, that could be good leads."

Lexi gave Cole a 'don't test me' look and he curled his lips in, stifling a smile. She had decided not to share any details about Cole's name prank with her parents and instead gave him an earful after class. He reluctantly apologized and agreed to do some of Lexi's chores at home for a week.

Lexi sighed. She knew she couldn't push anymore without raising suspicion. At least she tried. "Fine. Whatever. I need to go get ready. Mind, can you come upstairs and help me?"

"Of course!" Mindy clapped her hands and followed Lexi to her old room. As soon as the door closed, Mindy gave Lexi a big hug. "You still love me!"

"I'm questioning it!" Lexi laughed and playfully rolled her eyes.

"You need to face him at some point! Might as well do it while giving off 'Ariana Grande after she broke up with Pete Davidson' vibes!"

"They broke up?"

"Oh my gosh, where have you even been? Pete Davidson's had like two thousand girlfriends since and Ariana's married now. Girl, keep up!"

Lexi laughed and the girls got to work. They spent the next forty-five minutes straightening Lexi's hair, creating a smokey eye look (which took about half the time), and scouring through Scarlett's closet before settling on a semi-low cut red dress that hugged Lexi's figure.

"Once Tommy boy sees you in this, he's going to wish you were back at the hot tub!"

"Oh, please, I'm not trying to seduce him again! I just need to, I don't know, not feel like an idiot." Lexi smoothed out the scrunched fabric on the sides.

"Trust me, once he sees you in this, he won't be able to stay upset for even a millisecond."

"Well, let's hope so. I'll need to somehow pull him aside and deflate the situation. My parents can't see him or else they'll know, and I need to get on his good side so I don't have to drop the class."

"If you need me, I'll be one text or call away!" Mindy gave her a hug before the girls headed back downstairs.

"My beautiful daughter! You look just like your mother!" Jason said as Lexi made her way down the stairs.

Cole stood up from the couch and set his Nintendo Switch down. "Took you guys long enough! Mindy, are you ready?"

Mindy squeezed Lexi's hand before leaving with Cole. Lexi and her parents made their way out and Jason began discussing the directions to the Dean's house.

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