Chapter 31

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"Mindy! That's Tom's car!" Lexi yelled out. Her heart was banging against her chest and she glanced over at her parents' cars that were parked in the driveway.

"What? Tom as in Professor Tom?" Mindy turned off the ignition and the girls sat frozen for a moment, glued to their seats.

"Yeah! I don't know what to do, should we call the police?" Lexi rubbed her sweaty palms against her thighs as images of her parents being held hostage flashed across her mind.

"Oh my God, I hope your parents are okay! I hope Cole is okay!" Mindy's voice cracked as she yelled Cole's name.

"Quick! Let's sneak around the side and look through the window to see if we can see anything." Lexi abruptly opened her door without waiting for Mindy's response and began crouch-running toward the side of the house.

"Wait for me!" Mindy whispered as she quickly followed behind Lexi.

Chatter sounds were coming from the dining area and all the lights downstairs were on. As soon as Lexi peered over the windowsill, her eyes met the back of Tom's head. He was seated at their dining room table facing...Mom and Dad? Jason laughed at something Tom said and Lexi's eyes widened. What the hell is going on? Cole appeared in view and set down a plate of the fancy sweets they typically brought out when they had guests over. Mindy let out a sigh of relief.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Lexi asked in a whisper as she tried to lift her ear to the glass. Muffled, incoherent sounds were all that could be heard.

"No idea, but should we go in?"

Lexi shook her head. "I think we should call the police. My parents clearly don't know that Tom is the hacker yet." She paused and turned to stare at the back of his head. The blonde tufts sent a swirl of something through her heart and despite the circumstances, she longed to be next to him and running a hand through his hair again. God, why does it have to be him? "We need to do something!"

"How about we ring the doorbell, and then when your Mom or Dad answers it, we tell them Tom isn't who he says he is? I'm not sure getting the police involved would solve anything. All they'd see is people having a good time at the dinner table."

There was likely some sense to what Mindy was saying, but all Lexi could hear was the sound of her heartbeat. Tom was in her house. Sitting at the table with her parents, talking so casually it muddled her mind. After a moment, Lexi nodded. "Okay, yeah, you're right. This is just so bizarre."

The girls made their way to the dark green wooden door that was at the front of the house and Mindy rang the doorbell. Lexi trembled as they waited. Soon, Cole appeared before them and a big smile emerged on his face. "Oh, hey, Lex. Hey, Mind. We were wondering when you guys would come home." Cole turned his head to shout over his shoulder, "It's Lexi and Mindy!"

The girls gasped, grabbed onto Cole's arms, and jerked him forward. Lexi moved swiftly behind him and closed the door just after hearing her mom call out, "Lexi, is that you?"

"Are you insane?" Lexi moved back to stand in front of Cole, the fire in her veins moving her words out with urgency. "Tom isn't who he says he is! Tom's the hacker! You guys need to get out now. We need to call the police!"

Cole raised a brow and Scarlett opened the door behind him. "Lexi? Mindy? What are you girls doing out here? Come on in! We have a guest that I think you'll be excited to see!"

Lexi gasped and shook her head while Mindy ran her hands through her hair. "You don't understand, Mrs. Scott, Tom is the hacker! You guys can't be in there with him!" Mindy shrieked.

Cole and Scarlett gave each other a look and...are they...are they seriously smiling right now? "What is going on? You guys are freaking me out!" Lexi glanced between them.

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