waking up from a coma to find out that she's with someone else (requested)

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Taylor's heart began to pound against her chest as she stepped into the hospital, every step she took being one closer to your room.

She sent the nurses at the stand a friendly smile as she passed by them, all of them completely unaware that Taylor felt as if her legs might give out at any given moment.

She tried to be strong and brave as she made her way down the hall to your room.

Peeking inside, her heart almost burst out of her chest when she saw that you were sitting up in the bed.

She was called down here by one of the nurses, told that you'd awoken from your three-month-long coma.

The cause of your coma was that you'd been in a terrible accident and for a while there, it was so bad that doctors doubted you'd ever wake up.

But here you are now - wide awake and safe and sound.

She opened the door and walked into your room and when you saw her, your eyes lit up.

"Tay!" You grinned. "You're here!"

"Yeah. I'm here." She said with a little smile as she walked to you.

"I thought you'd be here when I opened my eyes. I was surprised to see that I was all alone."

Taylor's heart sank at your words.

The nurse that had been in the room just looking everything over left the room, giving you and Taylor some privacy.

"They said I was out of it for three months. Can you believe that?"

"No, I can't. It felt like an eternity." She said.

"So much happens in three months. So much can change."

Taylor knew that all too well.

"Have things changed for you? What happened over these last three months?"

"Not much." She said nervously, lying.

"Are we okay? You still love me?" You asked as you took her hand into yours.

"About that..." She said. "I didn't think you were ever going to wake up, Y/N. These three months have been so dark and so lonely for me. I didn't know what to do anymore."

"What are you saying, Taylor? What's going on? What happened?"

"I-I... I'm seeing someone else." She confessed.

Your heart dropped.

You knew that these last couple of months must've been hard on her.

Seeing you the way that you'd been while in the coma must've been so hard and overwhelming for her.

To see someone you love and care about that way would be hard on anyone.

But you never imagined that you'd hear her say that.

"I did it to heal. I was struggling so much. I couldn't handle seeing you that way. And people kept telling me you'd never wake up, that you'd never come out of this coma. So I lost hope and I found someone else."

"I can't believe this." You said quietly and in disbelief. "You just gave up on me?"

"It wasn't like that." She said, shaking her head. "I always had hope that you'd wake up. I always wished you would. But I just didn't know what to do. I was drinking one night in a bar and I met my girlfriend there. I did it to move on and to heal from everything."

You couldn't even look at her.

You just stared at your lap in shock.

"I understand it must've been hard on you but it just feels like you gave up on me and decided to be with someone else. You left me behind."

"I didn't mean to. Y/N, I'm so sorry. I still love you though."

"Yeah, it doesn't really feel like it." You said as tears filled your eyes. "Please leave me alone."


"Go, Taylor. I need some space."

She sighed as she stood up and made her way to the door.

Looking back at you, she saw you crying and felt tears sting her eyes as guilt and sadness overwhelmed her.

She didn't know what she'd ever do now.

But she wanted you back and she still loved you.

And she just hoped you felt the same.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Five (gxg)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن