pregnancy with Taylor (requested)

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You ran downstairs as soon as you heard the front door open.

You saw Taylor closing the door behind her before she turned the lock and then took her shoes off as she set her stuff down.

"Taylor!" You excitedly said as you hurried over to her.

"Oh, hey, baby!" She happily greeted you and threw her arms around you to give you a big hug before pulling away. "You seem to be in a great mood today."

"I am! I found out some great news."

"You did?" She asked, smiling. "What?"

You took her hand and pulled her up the stairs and she followed behind you, giggling over how excited you seemed to be.

You led her into the bathroom and grabbed something off of the counter before she had the chance to see what it was.

"What's going on?"

"You know how much we've been wanting to have a baby and how hard we've been trying? It felt like it was never going to happen because we've tried everything."

She nodded her head at you.

"Well... we don't have to worry anymore. Because it worked."

Taylor gasped as you pulled the test out from behind you and placed it in her hand.

She stared at the positive sign on it before she began to tear up.

All you and Taylor have been wanting is to have a baby together and you've tried everything you could to make that happen.

And, finally, it seems as though luck was on your side because it's all finally happening.

"We're having a baby?" She asked tearfully.

"We are."

She put the test down before pulling you into her arms to give you a big hug as you both cried tears of joy together.


Your morning sickness had hit before you even found out that you were pregnant, which is the reason why you took the test in the first place.

And even though it all made sense and you and Taylor were overjoyed to be having a baby together, it didn't make the morning sickness any easier on you.

It was horrible.

It seemed to hit you at all hours and you could hardly keep anything down, though there were a few things that you seemed to be able to eat such as crackers, soup, and dry toast.

But when the morning sickness would hit you, Taylor was right there with you.

She took some time away from everything so she could focus on you and help you through these first difficult few weeks.

She was always there to hold back your hair and comfort you when it hit.

It didn't matter if it was at six in the morning or sometime in the afternoon or evening, she was always right there with you.

She'd whisper soft, comforting words in hopes that it'd help soothe you.

Little did she know that her presence and her sweet voice were soothing enough.

And when you would finish getting sick, she'd help you brush your teeth and get back to bed, where she'd tuck you in and give you kisses on your forehead and cheeks and hold you until you fell asleep in her arms.


Of course, it wasn't just morning sickness that was a challenge.

There were other unpleasant things such as hot flashes, headaches, and the ever-so-delightful mood swings.

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