you have a dream that she gets hurt by a fan (requested)

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"Taylor! Taylor, can I have a picture with you?" One excited fan asked as you and Taylor stepped out of the restaurant together.

You had just finished a nice, romantic meal at one of her favorite places in the city.

You decided to treat her to that tonight because she's been working so hard and she deserved it.

Unfortunately, someone leaked your guys' location and now there are hundreds of fans gathered outside waiting for her and begging for her to take pictures with them.

Taylor, being the wonderful human that she is, happily agreed to take some pictures with them.

She let go of your hand and you stood back, smiling to yourself as you watched her make the fans' dreams come true.

But something caught your eye.

One person was acting a little off.

He was fidgeting with something in his hoodie pocket and keeping his head low.

Dressed in all black with his hoodie over his head, he kept gazing at Taylor from the corner of his eyes.

You found the way he was acting to be extremely strange.

He just seemed... off.

"Taylor, I think we should go." You said as you tapped your girlfriend on her shoulder.

"Okay, baby. Just one second." She said as she took pictures with another fan.

Suddenly, the guy pulled something out of his pocket and made his way over to Taylor, and to your horror, you saw that it was a knife.

"Tay, no!" You yelled out as the guy came up behind your girlfriend, attacking her. "Stop! Let her go!" You screamed.

You watched Taylor fall to the ground in pain and your heart nearly stopped as you knelt down beside her, taking her hand through the blur of your tears.

"Stay with me, baby. Stay with me." You cried and watched her eyes close. "No, Tay, no!"


And then, suddenly, you awoke.

You sat up in bed with sweat on your skin and heavy, panicked breaths falling from your lips.

"Taylor? Tay, are you okay?" You asked as you turned the light on and reached for her.

But she wasn't there beside you.

"Taylor? Taylor!" You called out as you jumped out of bed. "Taylor, where are you?"

You ran down the stairs and, much t your relief, you found her in the kitchen.

She had her earbuds in and was sipping on a glass of water.

"Taylor!" You yelled and it was so loud that she heard you over her music.

She took out her earbuds and set them on the counter before turning around, just in time to catch you as you jumped into her arms.

"Oh, thank god. I was so worried about you." You said, giving her a huge koala hug.

"Baby, I'm okay." She chuckled. "I'm sorry, I just couldn't sleep so I came down here."

You were still breathing heavily, still panicked.

"Baby, what's the matter?"

"I had a nightmare. You got attacked by a fan. Someone hurt you and you didn't make it and-"

"Shh, calm down, sweet girl. It's okay. Take a breath."

"It was the worst dream I've ever had. I was so scared."

She rubbed your back comfortingly as you buried your face in her neck.

"I'm okay, darling. We're here, just you and me, safe and sound."

You pulled away from her neck and stared into her eyes.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too, baby." She said as she kissed your forehead. "Everything's okay."

"Okay." You said as you exhaled heavily. "I'm sorry, I was just so frightened."

"No, darling, it's alright. I understand, I'd be scared too if I had a dream like that about you. But I'm alright and so are you. We're going to be just fine."

You nodded and clung to her tightly as she carried you back up to bed.

"I've got you, my love."

She laid you down before climbing into bed beside you.

"Can you cuddle me?"

"Of course, baby." She said before she pulled you into her arms, holding you tight. "I love you lots. I promise you, it was just a horrible, horrible dream. I'm okay, everything's alright."

You closed your eyes as you put your head on her chest, finding comfort in her warm and secure embrace.

You just hoped that you'd never have a dream that terrible ever again.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Five (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now