complications during birth (requested)

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"Tay," You groaned. "It's coming back again."

Her heart broke upon seeing you in so much pain.

She knows this was expected; bringing another human into the world isn't an easy or painless task.

But she didn't know it would be this bad and it's making her heart shatter every time she sees a tear slip down your cheek because the pain is so intense.

"I know, baby. Squeeze my hands as tight as you need to. You're doing so great and I'm so proud of you." She said as she brushed her thumbs across your knuckles.

She was trying all she could to make you feel better and bring you as much comfort as she possibly could.

You exhaled shakily as you leaned against her, feeling so worn out.

Understandably, you're so exhausted since, according to the time on the clock on the wall, you've been in labor since seven am this morning.

It's currently after nine pm now, meaning that it's been fourteen hours and it's still going on and getting stronger.

"You're so strong." She whispered as she rubbed your back.

"I don't feel so strong right now." You said as you pulled away to look into her eyes.

"You are though, even if you don't feel it. You're doing an incredible job." She said with a reassuring smile before kissing your forehead. "It won't be much longer until it's time, I'm sure."

You groaned as the pain returned as soon as the words finished leaving her lips.

"Okay, it's okay." She said as she grabbed your hands in hers again. "Breathe, darling. You're going to be alright. Squeeze my hands, use all of your might."

You squeezed her hands with the tightest grip that you could and Taylor didn't flinch in the slightest because it didn't bother her.

Anything she could do to bring you even some slight relief, even if it meant squeezing the life out of her hands, was perfectly okay with her.

You tried to breathe with her and focus on getting through this intense pain but when it finished, it felt different.

It came with this intense and unbearable pressure; pressure that only meant one thing.

Taylor saw it in your eyes, you didn't have to say a word.

She knew it was time.

She got up from the floor and pressed the red button on the wall, not wanting to leave your side for even a split second.

The doctor appeared in the room just a few seconds later and judging by the whimpers falling from your lips, she knew that it was time, too.

"Looks like your baby is ready to enter the world." The doctor smiled.

"Come on, darling. Let me help you onto the bed." Taylor softly spoke.

You stood up and took a deep breath as Taylor helped you onto the bed.

"Tay, I'm nervous." You said as she brushed a few hairs away from your forehead.

"I know, baby. But it's all going to be alright. Just think, it's just this last part and then our baby will be here. We've come so far and you've done such a great job." She encouragingly spoke as the doctor and the nurses began to prepare everything.

"You're not going anywhere, right?"

Her blue eyes went soft as she caressed your cheek and shook her head.

"I told you before we even found out that you were pregnant that I would be here every step of the way with you. I meant it, darling. I'm not going anywhere, I promise."

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Five (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now