what are we now? (requested)

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The knock on Taylor's front door made her turn away from the tv.

She got up and made her way to the door and when she opened it, she saw you standing there with a sad look in your eyes.

"Y/N? What's the matter?"

"Can I come in, please?"

"Of course!" She said and let you inside before closing the door behind you.

She watched you plop down on the sofa with a heavy sigh.

"Do you want a drink? I'll grab one for each of us and then you can talk to me about what's bothering you."

"I'd like that. Thanks, Taylor."

"No problem." She replied before going into the kitchen to grab two glasses.

She poured some wine for you both and then made her way back into the living room.


You took a glass and immediately downed the wine, making Taylor's eyes go wide.

"Wow. Must've been a really bad day."

"It was." You said with a heavy sigh. "So much went wrong."


"I didn't get that promotion I worked so hard for." You spoke as Taylor put her hand on your shoulder comfortingly. "And then a girl I was getting to know just decided I wasn't worth getting to know anymore. I liked her too."

"I'm so sorry, Y/N." She said as she squeezed your shoulder. "I know you worked hard for that promotion and you deserved it. I'm so sorry that they were too blind to see that."

"Thanks." You said with a small smile."And as for that girl, if she decided that then she's an idiot. You deserve someone better and I promise you, you will find them."

"I hope you're right." You said.

Taylor so desperately wanted to tell you that someone that truly loves and cares for you was right there, right in front of your eyes.

But she didn't because she was too nervous to confess something like that to you, too afraid that you might not feel the same.

"Let me get you some more wine." She said before getting up.

"It's okay, I can get it."

"Don't worry about it." She said as she got up and grabbed your glass before going into the kitchen.

She needed to get those thoughts out of her head because confessing to you today of all days didn't seem appropriate in her eyes when you weren't feeling well mentally.

She returned to the living room a second later and this time, she brought the bottle of wine with her.

"Thank you." You said as you took a sip from the glass.

"You're welcome. What would you like to do besides get drunk tonight?"

"Watch some bad reality tv?"She chuckled before turning on the tv, letting you choose what to watch.

You turned on some reality show, one that would surely make you both laugh like crazy as you both got drunk.

The hours slipped by and you were both extremely intoxicated.

Your words were slurred, there were empty wine bottles across the table, and you had just finished another glass.

"Holy shit I"m drunk." You said and Taylor just laughed and put her head on your shoulder.

"Me too!"

You joined in on the laughter before you both went quiet for a minute.

Before Taylor spoke up again.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Five (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now