Part 14

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During lunchtime, you roamed the halls with Taylor just chatting before you went outside and sat on one of the benches.

You threw your arm over her shoulder and she leaned into you slightly. The only thing you were worried about was when Lena finds out or sees you together, although she may deny liking you, you know that she does and you don't want to hurt her.

By now, many people in the school have heard the rumour. Plenty of people saw you that morning and there was no mistaking what was going on.

Many people weren't surprised, but some were shocked. People assumed that it was bound to happen eventually since you two were so close and the only two girls on the basketball team.

Some of those people had suspected before that you were dating because when you were hooking up you would smirk at each other and tease each other from afar.

Also popular kids always dated other popular kids, so it was no surprise as you weren't really one to date the cheerleaders and all those other popular mean girls.

Many people shipped you and Taylor, and others didn't, either due to homophobia or just straight-up jealousy.

You caught a glimpse of Josh staring daggers at you. He was the guy that Taylor was crushing on. You thought this was a perfect opportunity to make him mad.

"He's watching," you say with a smile, not wanting the guy to suspect anything. "Really?" Taylor asks as she tilts her head up to look at you, not wanting to look for him as he would know she was doing it on purpose.

"Umhm," you mumble softly as you place a small peck on her lips. She smiles at the action, knowing that you don't like Pda much, but you are doing it for her.

You watch Josh as he stomps away angrily, laughing at the sight. "We should go. Lunch is almost over," you say.

You both get up and walk to class. You both had history now. You were in the same class, but unfortunately for you, so was Lena.

You and Taylor were great friends which meant conversation flowed easily. This made pretending easier as you would make each other laugh all the time anyway and it definitely helped to play into the role.

It was no surprise that you two were laughing as you entered the class holding hands. It was a few minutes before the start of class so only about half of the students were there yet.

You only focused on Taylor as you went to your seats, Taylor sitting just in front of you. You ignore the stares as you entered the class and you especially ignored the glares you received from Lena.

She was definitely upset, which you totally understood, but she's also the one that pushed you away. Sure maybe it's only been a few days since then, but she was pretty clear on her lack of feelings for you, so why is she acting hurt.

You didn't pay much attention to her, though. You focused on the class and occasionally on Taylor as you would tease her by touching her foot with yours or pushing on her chair slightly.

The teacher talked about the projects at the end of class that you had submitted last Friday, now being Monday.

He praised the class for the excellent work and called out the three pairs that got the best grade. Number one, of course was you and Lena, that didn't surprise you at all.

He was always the type of teacher that would talk about anyone's grade in front of the class, but you didn't really care.

You always got good grades and frankly didn't care what people thought about that. Popular kids were usually expected to be dumb but you weren't and you didn't care.

You didn't really consider yourself a popular kid, but you were as pretty much everyone in the school knew who you were. That was just what came with being on a sports team of any kind and especially being good at the sport you play.


The day finally ended as you and Taylor headed to her house. "That was exhausting," you say. "Didn't realize how draining it would feel to pretend to be this perfect couple," you add. Taylor just hums in response as she lets out a sigh of relief.

"Well, we got a pretty good reaction out of him today, so hopefully it won't be long before he snaps and confesses," Taylor says.

"The sooner, the better," you say. Taylor looks at you with a fake hurt expression, "am i really that horrible to date?" Taylor says in a sarcastic offended tone.

You laugh at her dramatics, "Yeah," you reply jokingly. "But no, for real, we both have someone else we would rather be with soo," you add.

Taylor just nods in agreement, "Wait, what? You didn't tell me about anyone," Taylor quickly realizes. "And I'm not going to," you reply with a grin.


The rest of the week pretty much goes the same way. People murmuring and gossiping, glares from the same two people that no one else seems to notice and acting, a lot of it.

There was a party happening tonight. You and Taylor were going. You knew that Josh would be there and hoped that he would finally make a move.

You entered the house booming with music while holding hands. You went to get a drink to calm some of the nerves you both had, hoping today will be the last day of pretending.

The night started off pretty slow, but as people grew more intoxicated the whole atmosphere shifted as everyone began to dance and go crazy.

At some point, you and Taylor split up in the party, knowing that Josh would most likely not approach her if you were by her side.

Eventually, just that happened, Josh pulled Taylor aside and confessed his feelings. He told her how he liked her but he tried to push the feelings down since his last relationship ended badly, but seeing her with someone else broke his heart even more and he couldn't stand the thought of seeing her with you.

Taylor smiled at him as he looked kind of shocked. Honestly, he kind of expected her to scream at him or slap him or something for doing this now when she's in a happy relationship, but instead she pulled him by his collar and connected their lips.

He smiled into the kiss as he kissed her back hungrily. "But what about your girlfriend?" he says finally as they pull away. "Don't worry about it," Taylor says simply.

"What do you mean? She's literally going to kick my ass if she finds out," he breathes out. Taylor just chuckles. "Trust me, she won't," Taylor says as she kisses him again.

You went to look for Taylor to make sure she's okay as you haven't seen her in a while. You stumble upon the two kissing and you feel relief.

They pull away as you walk up and Josh spots you first, slight fear in his eyes. "Oh my god, finally," you say happily, as Josh looks at you baffled.

Taylor finally explains the situation and he gasps at the revelation. He couldn't believe that the two of you went as far as fake date for a whole week just to get him to confess.

He was happy, though. It meant no hard feelings and no getting his ass whooped by you. It always manages to make you smile when you see the slight fear in their eyes when someone does you wrong.

It really was no surprise that people didn't want to mess with you, you were quite tall, taller than many of the boys, but you were also strong and had kicked a few asses during your years in highschool, always well deserved though.

You were just glad it was over, you hung out with Taylor and Josh for the rest of the night and you realized that Josh is actually a pretty cool guy, and you could see why Taylor liked him.

But also, as her best friend, it was your duty to threaten him if he ever hurt Taylor, and you made sure he knew that it wasn't an empty threat.

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