Part 45

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Wedding Day


The day has come. Luckily the weather is great for this important day. Guests were slowly arriving while you and Lena were getting ready, in separate rooms, of course.

You still haven't a clue what Lena is planning to wear. Lex helped you prepare and made sure you look good for your wedding.

Meanwhile, Kat was helping Lena, who may have needed more help than you did, with makeup and such.

You were nervous, a good nervous. It was finally happening. You went outside when you finished getting ready. It was about 20 minutes before the ceremony was to start.

The ceremony was set up outside and then the reception would be held inside the venue. You greeted some of your guests as you took the time to admire the setup. It was quite simple yet truly amazing.

The time was near and you walked up to the alter where you would be waiting for Lena. Kat came out and sat in the front row alongside Lex, giving you a warm smile, which you returned.

Originally, you hadn't planned to do a traditional wedding, but Lionel really wanted to walk his only daughter down the aisle, so you changed it to let him do that. It wasn't much of a difference anyway. You were getting married, that's all that mattered.

Your jaw dropped as Lena walked out, her arm intertwined with her dad's. She looked so... you couldn't even put it into words. You were barely able to contain yourself as she walked towards you.

She wore a white flowy dress with black accents and it looked amazing. You fell in love all over again.

"I cannot put into words how amazing you look." You whisper as she gets to the alter and her dad goes to sit down in the front row next to her mom.

Lena blushes slightly, looking you up and down. "You don't look too bad yourself," she jokes, making you chuckle slightly.

The ceremony goes on and you say your vows and Lena says hers. You exchange rings and finally kiss to consummate the marriage.

You smile softly as you pull away from the kiss. "I love you." You whisper, "I love you more." Lena grins. "I don't think so." You chuckle as you grab a hold of her hand, interlocking your fingers and walking back down the aisle.

Each row stands as you walk past them, following you into the venue. You decided not to have a seating arrangement since it was a small wedding, family and friends only. There were only 20 guests total.

The only table that had assigned seats was for you, Lena, Lex, their parents and Kat as Kat was the unofficial Maid of Honour and deserved a seat at the table. Not to mention, she was basically family to you now.

You spent the next while eating and socializing. You then do the cake cutting before opening the dance floor for anyone to dance. Once everyone else started enjoying themselves and dancing to the music, you invited Lena to dance.

The only time you have really danced was at prom, with Lena. You weren't much of a dancer, but you weren't going to let such an opportunity go to waste.

You had a few drinks after, while you continued to talk to your friends. You were happy to see your friends letting loose and enjoying themselves.

Although some may have gone a little too crazy with the drinks as it was an open bar. After an hour, you slipped out while no one was watching, feeling like rebellious teens.

Lena giggled as the door closed without anyone seeing you. The sun was just about to set and you wanted to enjoy it. You weren't planning on drinking into the night, so it was a perfect time to leave.

It was just before 8 pm, the sun was going to set any moment now. You walked down and passed your ceremony setup and sat on the bench some ways further, perfect location to watch the sunset.

Lena leaned into you as you sat there in comfortable silence for a while. "Wife. It feels good to finally say it," you say as your hand caresses her arm.

"Oh yeah?" Lena asks and you hum in response, leaning down for a kiss as she looks up at you.

Meanwhile, Lex was inside looking for you. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he realized that neither you nor Lena were anywhere to be seen in the small venue.

He chuckled as he realized that you must have snuck out from your own wedding celebration. He went outside to get some air, he spotted you and Lena cuddled on the bench in the distance as the sun finished setting.

It wasn't what he expected you to be doing, but he decided to leave you two alone nonetheless. He went back inside a few moments later, leaving you alone. Not that you ever even knew he was there.

It was getting colder, so you pulled off your jacket and draped it over Lena's shoulders. You didn't want her to get sick.

You ended up staying out there for an hour, watching the stars come out after the sunset. Then you made your way to the wedding suite. You couldn't wait to lay down as a wave of tiredness suddenly hit you.

You started undressing as soon as you got into the room, wanting to get out of the suit. You felt restricted all day as the suit wasn't exactly designed for movement of comfort for that matter.

You helped Lena with her dress once you got out of your own clothes. You couldn't imagine it being comfortable at all. Though you didn't feel comfortable in any dress, it just wasn't your thing.

Lena yawned as she hung her dress up on a hanger. You laid down on the bed and it was very comfortable. You stretched out your hands towards Lena and she climbed into the bed laying down on top of you, resting her head on your chest, just how she liked to.

You put the blanket over you both and wrapped your arms around her, holding her as you both quickly drifted off to sleep, too tired to do anything else.

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