Part 34

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You woke up as Lena turned in her sleep. You had slept well and were well rested. You checked the time, seeing that it was just past 11 am so you had a solid 9 hours of sleep.

You have enjoyed your holidays from college so much that you slightly dreaded the journey back and starting up classes again.

You had to leave tomorrow at the latest to make it back before Monday. You planned to travel on Saturday, so you'd be back on campus on Saturday night and would have the Sunday to chill and prepare for classes.

Lena woke up as you were still lost in thought, "morning baby," she grumbles as she kisses your neck. "Morning. How'd you sleep?" You ask her with a smile.

"Great," she replied, smiling back at you. "How late is it?" She asks as she rubs her eye. "It's still before noon," you reply, causing Lena to let out a satisfied sigh.

She lays her head on your chest, wrapping an arm around your torso and swinging her leg over yours.

Your hand subconsciously reached for her hair, playing with the baby hairs on the back of her neck. You laid like that in silence for a few minutes before Lena moved her head slightly to look up at you, and you met her eyes.

She smiled slightly and then leaned in to peck your lips, after which she leaned up on her arm to be more level with you and kissed your lips properly this time.

You kissed her back happily as your hand found its way onto her leg that was draped over you. Lena deepened the kiss as she basically straddled your hips.

Just a few minutes later the vibe was ruined as Lex basically burst through the door looking at his phone. Lena gets off you and sits down on the bed, a frown on her face.

"Have you guys seen this?" Lex asks as he throws his phone towards you. You both watch the video on his screen, your earlier happiness quickly fading.

You were silent for a few moments as you handed the phone back to Lex as he looked at you waiting for you to say something.

"What the fuck" you finally said, clearly unimpressed with the video. "Who recorded this? And why did they feel like they needed to post this. Not to mention that you were there too so why is all the attention on us?"

"I hate that they did this to you" Lex says as he looks between you and Lena as he sits on the end of Lenas bed. "A lot of people have seen it and are talking about it" Lex says.

"They are trying to stir up shit on purpose. They only posted that because we're gay and it's 'controversial' " you say adding air quotes to the last word.

"People need to mind their business instead of filming couples kissing on New years" you say as you find Lena's hand, squeezing it reassuringly.

"What the fuck is that headline anyway 'Young Luthor caught kissing a girl' like what kind of bs headline is that. They're acting like she got caught committing a crime or something."

"I know right. I was right there too. Admittedly doing a lot worse than you two, not to mention that I was wasted. Yet they still decided to post this." Lex agrees.

Lena was still a little stunned by the situation, which you understood. She was the main focus of the news. And it's not like her sexuality had ever been blasted like that on the internet for anyone to see. Only the people you saw at prom would have really known.

"What about mom and dads company. I can imagine they're getting some backlash for this too?" Lena finally asks, more worried about her parents than herself.

"So far it's fine for the most part, just one or two homophobes here and there but there have even been some people standing up for you and expressing their disgust about such a violation of anyone's private life. It's a lot of publicity for the company. It might have a positive impact. Best of a shit situation, you know, " Lex tells her.

Lena is relieved that her parents' company didn't suffer by the invasive post, yet she was still annoyed. Why can't people just live in peace without their privacy being violated.

Neither you nor Lena were gonna let this bring you down though, you embraced your sexuality and were not going to hide just because some people still think that being yourself is wrong.

By the end of the day , ou had pretty much gotten over the situation as you started packing the few things you brought back with you as you were to leave the next day around noon.


You finally arrived back on campus after a pretty long drive. You grabbed some food on the way back as you wanted to head to bed pretty soon after you get back.

You quickly unpacked your stuff and took a shower before going to sleep. Once you woke up you stayed in bed for a while, cuddling before getting up to get breakfast and do some prep before classes start tomorrow.

Lena was a much better organized person, so you finished quite quickly while Lena kept organizing in her way.

You laid down on 'your bed' that you never slept in as you and Lena talked while she organized. Not too long later, your door suddenly opens,  which wasn't locked after you went out this morning to get breakfast.

"Seriously, can no one knock?" you say semi jokingly as Kat enters your room. "What the hell?" Kat says seriously causing you to furrow your eyebrows in confusion.

"I think that's my line," you chuckle as she's the one that just burst into your room. "When were you going to tell me about this? You're together?" Kat asks as she turns her phone screen to you, the same video on her screen that you had seen the day prior.

You look to Lena for a moment, your eyes meet and a slight smirk tugged on your lips. Lena instantly knew that you wanted to mess with your friend a little longer.

"What, no. You misunderstood. It's a publicity stunt." You tell her, keeping a straight face. "I'm sure since you've seen that you've also heard about Lenas parents company if you didn't already know about it. The company is about to launch a new product and it was a way to get the people talking about it. You know what they say. No publicity is bad publicity." You rant keeping a totally believable facade the whole time.

Lena however was glad that her back was facing to your friend as she wasn't sure that she would be able to keep a straight face.

"I'm not sure if I believe you," Kat says hesitantly as she narrows her eyes at you. "I mean realistically even if it wasn't a PR stunt. What you've never kissed your best friend on New years if you didn't have a date?" You ask her.

"Uhh, no?" Kat says. "Well you're missing out, my friend. I think it's a fun way to keep the tradition of a New years kiss going even when you're single," you shrug.

"I suppose?" Kat says unsure, but believing your reasoning. Lena also joined the conversation as she finished up what she was doing and helped you to really make Kat believe that you weren't together. It was fun and you were definitely going to keep pretending like it's a publicity stunt until she just doesn't believe you.

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