Part 21

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You found yourself unable to sleep, which was not new. You often struggled to fall asleep or stay asleep.

You checked your phone to see that it was just past 4am. You gave up on trying to sleep and disabled your alarm so it wouldn't wake Lena later.

You scroll through your phone for about an hour before getting up, trying your best not to wake Lena.

You quickly and quietly go to the bathroom and then go outside as the sun was just coming up. You watched the sunrise from the balcony. You often watched the sunrise when you couldn't sleep.

A few minutes later you felt someone wrap their arms around you. You smiled when you saw Lena and pulled her in closer.

"How do you feel?" You finally ask her as you watch the sunrise together. "Amazing" is all she says back.

"Are you hungry? We should make some breakfast." You say and Lena gives you a small nod. You peck her cheek as you guide her inside.

"How about pancakes?" Lena asks with puppy eyes. You smile at her cuteness as you agree. You pull out all the ingredients with Lena's help and start mixing up the batter.

You made sure to hand mix it instead of using an electric mixer to ensure that you don't wake anyone up.

You and Lena mess around the kitchen for a bit as you slowly prepare the breakfast. There was no rush so you took your time.

Everyone usually woke up at around 6:30, so you had another half an hour or so before anyone started coming down for breakfast.

You heat the pan and pour some batter in once it heats up. You watch the pancakes carefully so as not to burn them.

Once one side is cooked enough you make sure the pancake is not stuck to the pan by running the spatula around the edges. You pick the pan up and flip the pancake in the air.

You wait a little while longer for the other side to cook and then you flip it into a plate. You taste a small piece of the pancake to make sure you don't need to adjust the batter.

Luckily, it turned out great so you poured the next pancake into the pan. You gave Lena a bite of the pancake to see what she thinks.

"I can't tell is it good or bad?" You ask, unsure of her shocked expression. It was either colossally bad or really good.

"It's so good." Lena basically moans at the taste, "I didn't know you can make pancakes like this," she adds, causing you to chuckle.

You take the first pancake, ripping another bit off and eating it before playfully throwing the pancake at Lena which she catches and finishes the rest of it.

You continue to cook the pancakes one by one and Lena starts to prepare some toppings like cut-up fruit/ berries.

Lillian is the first to come dow. She stares ahead in surprise, seeing you flipping pancakes and Lena cutting up strawberries.

She comes into the kitchen and you notice her straight away. "Pancakes?" You ask, offering her some. "Yeah thanks," she replies.

"I see you're getting along," Lillian states referring to you and Lena, "isn't that what you wanted?" you reply simply. You've never heard her say it out loud, but you could tell that Lilian wished you and Lena got along when you used to bicker.

As Lillian was about to answer you heard Lex coming down the stairs. "Oooh, I smell some delicious food," he chirps as he finally reaches the kitchen.

"Well too bad it ain't for ya," you say in an accent. Lex just pouts at you, giving you puppy dog eyes. "I'm just joking chill," you say, "and what's with all the puppy eyes all the time?" You chuckle.

You finish cooking the last pancake as Lionel comes down ready to leave for work. He wasn't planning on eating breakfast at home, but he couldn't resist the aroma of your pancakes and joined the family for breakfast.

You and Lena were the last ones to go eat as Lena waited for you to finish cooking after she finished her part of breakfast.

You join the rest of the family, which by now they were halfway through their meal. You sat next to Lex and Lena sat across the table from you.

You all engaged in conversation until everyone started complimenting your pancakes and how amazing they were.

"Oh I don't know- I've tasted better things," you say nonchalantly. "Like what?" Lena asks, not fully convinced.

"Oh you know-" You start as you give Lena a look, raising your eyebrow slightly with a small smirk on your face that tells her exactly what you were talking about.

No one else seemed to notice as a blush quickly crept up her face as she realized your implication. "-You haven't tasted some of my other cooking." You continue playing it off for the rest of them after teasing Lena.

This was bound to be one of your favourite things to do now, teasing Lena in front of her whole family while they have no idea what is happening.

Everyone finally finished eating and the Luthors left for work while Lex went to his room. It was now just you and Lena again as you started to clean up the table.

Lena starts loading the dishwasher with all the dishes as you stand close by eating some of the cut-up strawberries. "Can I have some?" Lena asks.

You smirk slightly, "Come and get it," you say, knowing she wanted you to feed her as she was dealing with the dishes. You step closer to her, placing a piece of strawberry between your teeth with a slight smirk on your face.

She doesn't hesitate to grab the piece from between your teeth, your lips brushing against each other's in the process.

You place your hand on her hip as you pull her in for a full kiss. She gasps slightly as you run your tongue against her lower lip and then you pull back with a smirk.

"You just love doing that, don't you?" Lena asks. "Doing what?" You say, acting dumb. Lena puts on the dishwasher before washing and drying her hands.

"Teasing me," she says in a whisper as she gets closer to you. "innocent till proven guilty," you say with a grin, not admitting to purposely teasing her.

Lena loved the playful side of you. Although she was usually the one targeted by your childish actions and jokes, she still loved it. You became more fun as you got more comfortable with her.

She was happy that you weren't the same serious, tense person all the time that you used to be around her. You were able to let loose and enjoy life more.

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