Chapter 14

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Drews POV:

My flight landed in LA at 5:30 and I was dressed and in the car on my way to dinner by 7:30.

Carli was sitting next to me talking on the phone with someone about an interview while I rested my head on the door with my eyes closed.

I didn't want to be here. I wanted to be with Olivia and Rory. I sighed and sat up rubbing my temples with my fingers. I've got a slight headache from the lack of sleep.

Carli looked at me with worried eyes "yeah, hang on. I'm gonna call you back." She said to the person on the phone then she hung up.

"Are you okay?" She asked me with a look of concern.

"I'm fine. Just a little headache." I sighed leaning back against the door.

"Have you been taking your pills Drew?"

I sat up and stared at her in contempt. The truth is I've been forgetting to take them... But I feel fine.

"I'm fine."

"Drew. You have a TBI you better not be lying to me." She said glaring at me.

I looked at the driver to see if he was listening then rolled up the partition so he couldn't hear.

"I haven't had a seizure in 6 months Carl. It's okay." I whispered touching her arm reassuringly.

"It's just a headache I promise."

"You need to be taking your medication and getting enough sleep Drew. The doctor said you'll deal with this for the rest of your life. You need to be careful." She said taking my hand in hers.

"I know. I promise I'll take the medicine. There's just been a lot going on lately, honestly sometimes I forget I even have a brain injury." I shrugged.

"It's okay. I'll remember for you." She smiled.

"I wish I could go back in time and kill Greg myself." She said under her breath.

I laughed and looked out the window watching the other cars pass by.

I had my first seizure the day after Olivia and I broke up.

I was taken to the emergency room by ambulance and admitted. They kept me under observation for 2 days and determined I basically have a scar on my brain from the Greg incident and I will have seizures for the rest of my life. It's called epilepsy.

Carli was able to keep it all under wraps and literally nobody knows about it outside of my family and my neurologist.

I only had that one seizure and then one 6 months ago. It was determined that my stress levels were too high from filming 2 movies at the same time. Luckily the seizure happened at home in my kitchen and Dani was there to help me.

I will admit that forgetting the medicine has been a mistake but I feel fine. I will start taking the pills again in the morning.

"So how's Olivia?" Carli said, pulling me out of my thought.

"So hot." I replied.

"I agree." She said nodding her head.

"You have a fiancé." I said smacking her arm.

"Yeah, that doesn't mean I can't appreciate beauty." She said sarcastically.

"I'm telling Julie." I laughed.

"She literally just told me last night how attractive she thinks you and Olivia are together." She scoffed.

"So... Julie's into me." I said smirking.

Drawn to the English TeacherDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora