Chapter 15

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Drews POV:

After letting Olivia leave the room with excruciating difficulty, I adjusted my clothing and smiled to myself.

That woman is so fine. The hottest part about it, is she knows it.

I shook my head replaying all the ways she teased me just barely and chuckled to myself.

I love that woman. She can tease me anytime she wants. I'd literally be happy to just be near her for the rest of my life.

I walked out of the private room into the very packed club. I put a pair of sunglasses to hide my face a little, but not enough to where people couldn't recognize me.

The first reason I'm here is to see Olivia, the second reason is to bring some publicity to this place. Words already started getting around that I own the place, showing my face here will just solidify it.

I walked up to the bar and ordered a scotch on the rocks. The bar tender just nodded at me and made my drink quickly.

I've had a small ache in the back of my head since I got off the plane. Olivia made me completely forget about it with her little lap dance.

I took a sip out of my cup and turned around to check out my new club, leaning against the bar. The dancer that was on stage was doing a good job in keeping the crowd captivated. I just wished that time would go faster. Olivia will be on stage next and I am so fucking excited.

"So the rumors are true. Drew Line does own this club." A woman I hadn't noticed said sitting next to me.

I turned to look at her through my shaded lenses. She was a pretty woman with dark brown hair. She smiled at me.

"Yep." I replied popping the p and turning back to the stage.

"You are even prettier in person." She said obviously flirting with me.

I turned back and looked at her "thanks... no offense, but I'm taken." I said shrugging and taking a sip of my scotch. The previous dancer was leaving the stage and the lights were dimming.

"Yeah you and Jenna are a beautiful couple." She said nodding her head.

I sighed. Olivia is my other half. I wish I was able to tell everyone she's mine. But I can't. Firstly, because I don't want to expose her and Rory to this life till they are ready and two, because I'm in a PR nightmare, I mean relationship.

Because I didn't respond to the woman she leaned into my ear gaining my attention again.

"But I don't see Jenna here." She whispered.

I turned my head to look at her quickly. Damn this girl really doesn't take no for an answer. We were really close right now, and I mean way too close for my liking.

"I can't put this any more plainly, no thank you." I said smiling then turned back to the stage. I found two icy blue eyes staring daggers into my shaded ones in this darkened room.

Okay so she definitely saw that woman flirting with me. I stood up straight and gave her a shy smile.

She shook her head and looked away from me. Jealous Olivia is fucking adorable, but she seriously has nothing to be jealous of. I am hers completely.

I chuckled to myself knowing she was upset. I'll just make it up to her later. Right now I'm gonna enjoy her dance.

I walked over to the back of the room and sank into an arm chair with my drink. Making myself comfortable and focusing my eyes on Olivias body.

She had changed into a set of red lacey lingerie and a see through silk robe that went down just past her ass with red feathers on the trim. Her black mask was on her face shielding it from the world.

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