Chapter 26

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Olivia's POV:

I panicked.

Drew asked me to move in with her and I fucking panicked.

I left her house in a hurry. I somehow managed to hold my tears in though. I didn't want to freak Rory out.

I didn't know if it was the best idea to take Drews jet so I asked the driver to drop us off at the terminal where I paid to get on the next flight to Vegas.

Rory and I were sitting in the waiting area to board the plane when my phone started ringing. It was Drew. I ignored it. I have already done enough damage today. I don't think I can talk to her without breaking down in this airport.

Shortly after the phone call I received a text.

~Olivia, the security team said you didn't show up. Please, just tell me you two are okay~

~we are fine. Asked the driver to drop us off at the terminal.~ I typed back quickly.

She responded almost immediately.

~ok. I'll have Chris wait for you at the terminal in Vegas.~

I wanted to argue but I was too fucking exhausted.

I shut my phone off and Rory and I boarded the plane.

The problem with this whole situation is I know I'm acting crazy.

I know I'm acting irrationally but I can't stop! Everything in my body is telling me to go back to Drew. But my head is screaming "run".

After the flight I found Chris waiting for us at the gates. He took our bags with out question and led us to the car. I took Rory to my mom because I was going to go to the club. But then I realized Drew owns the club... can I even show my face there?

So I decided to just stay at my parents house. I don't think I should be alone right now.

Once I got Rory to sleep I walked out to the kitchen where my mom was getting some water.

"Sooo... you gonna tell me what happened?" She asked me.

"Why do you assume something happened." I said sitting down at the kitchen table.

"For one thing, you never stay here. For another, you look like you want to cry."

At the word cry I felt myself break. I sobbed and put my head into my hands as the tears fell down my face.

"Oh baby girl." My mom said walking over to me and wrapping her arms around me.

"What happened?" She asked. I felt like I couldn't breathe.

"She asked me to move in with her." I said as I continued crying. There was no stopping it now.

"And you said no?" She asked sliding a chair next to mine.

I nodded my head and kept crying.

"Can I ask why? You two seem so happy together." She sighed rubbing my back.

"Because I'm scared." I said wiping my continuous stream of tears.

"Scared of what baby?"

"Scared that she's not gonna want me anymore and then where am I? Jobless and homeless with my toddler." I cried.

"Oh baby girl. Why are you talking about your relationship ending before its even really started?" She asked.

"Because I'm a terrible person and I don't deserve her." I said my tears still flowing but the sobs had stopped.

"Oh baby girl. You are not a terrible person. Why are you devaluing yourself?" She asked.

I sat and thought a minute. Is that what I'm doing? Is that why I'm not letting myself be happy with the woman I'm head over heals for?

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