Chapter 20

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Drews POV:

I woke up in my bed alone. I was a little disappointed that Olivia wasn't, there but I know she has Rory to look after, so I couldn't expect her to stay in bed all day with me.

I slowly stretched, testing out my sore muscles. To my surprise, they were already feeling a lot better than when I went to sleep this morning.

I leaned over and checked the time on my phone. 5:43 PM. Damn. They let me sleep all day. I was a little sad that I missed out on a whole day with Olivia and Rory. My body really needed the rest though.

I slowly climbed out of my bed not, trying to push my muscles too far. I was still pretty sore, but it was bearable now.

I got to my feet and swayed for a moment before I was able to steady myself upright. I might've hit something with my left leg yesterday because it was more painful to put weight on that side than the other.

I practiced walking around the room by myself first. I had a little limp on the left side but I'm sure that'll be gone tomorrow.

I walked out of my room and to the living room, where I heard the TV playing and Carli talking on the phone. When I got closer, I heard Olivia talking to Julie and Rory demanding something from Dani.

I smiled to myself knowing they were here and not four hours away.

I rounded the corner into the kitchen and nobody noticed me enter. I grabbed a water bottle from the refridgerator, then started my little limp walk to the living room. As soon as the refridgeratior door closed, Olivia's eyes shot to mine. They quickly scanned my body and I think she noticed the small limp. She was by my side in an instant, wrapping her arms around me. My heart started beating faster.

"You should've called for me." She said with a pout on her face.

I giggled and leaned into her, placing a small kiss on her forehead.

"I'm feeling a lot better, beautiful." I assured her, leaning back and smiling at her.

"You're limping." She pointed out, shaking her head.

"It's nothing. Just a little sore still." I said with a reassuring smile.

It's so strange having Olivia take care of me like this sometimes... Five years ago I probably wouldn't have let her. I've always been the one to take care of others. It's a nice change of pace.

Don't get me wrong, I like taking care of the people I love. But having the woman I love fuss over me is causing palpitations in my chest.

"I'm here to take care of you Drew." She said in a soft tone, pulling my hips into hers. "Just tell me what you need."

My eyebrows shot up and a smirk formed on my face.

"Oh Olivia, I'll tell you what I..."

"Dwew!" Rory yelled barreling into my legs and effectively cutting off my smart remark like a bucket of cold water.

Olivia laughed at the interruption. I gave her a 'this isn't over' look, then turned my eyes to Rory. I didn't trust my body enough to pick her up yet, so I sank onto the ground and let her wrap her arms around my neck.

"Mama said she put you to nap cuz you being naughty." Rory said, releasing my neck and looking at me with a questioning stare.

I looked up at Olivia with a grin on my face as her cheeks turned red.

"You were a bad girl so you had to take a nap." Olivia said, nodding her head to confirm what Rory said.

"Yeah, but I'm ready to be good now." I said, looking at Rory then switched my eyes back up to Olivia.

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