Chapter 3

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Delilah POV

My brother's a good person.

I can tell that he really is when I woke up to a blanket over my body. I rubbed my eyes to clear off my sleepiness and smiled at him.

Stefano sat across me, a book in his hand as he read peacefully. But when he saw me waking up, he placed the book aside and gave me his full attention.

Something no one has ever given me.

"Hey, principessa." he greeted me. "How did you rest?"

I took a drink out of a bottle of mineral water in front of me. "Good. I had a weird dream of unicorns and fairies though. The fairies were nice...way too nice. I bet they were about to backstab the unicorns like the fake bitches they are... I didn't get to find out what happened since I already woke up."

He laughed softly, shaking his head with a smile on his face.

His smile is really pretty.

"You have a pretty smile." I blurted. "I think you make many people's day with your smile."

Instead of fading, his smile widened. "Thank you." he chuckled. "We're landing in a few minutes, by the way."

"Oo. Okay. Is Italy a pretty place?" I asked him.

He told me about Italy as I started packing my stuff that I took out during the plane ride. He told me about the places he loves most and how he admired many of the landscapes because it was too surreal.

When we landed, I gotta admit, I ran straight off the plane and hugged the ground. 

A few seconds later, I recollected myself and looked at my brother with all seriousness.

"You saw nothing." I told him, narrowing my eyes threateningly.

He only chuckled and shook his head. "I saw nothing."

I followed Stefano to a freaking limo which was parked outside the private jet hanger. My eyes widened in awe as I looked at him ridiculously.

"You gotta start getting used to this." He told me with an amusing smile.

I greeted the driver with a kind nod of my head and I went into the back with Stefano.

I think after a month of living with this family, I might go online and start a sugar mummy website.

An hour after the limo ride, the vehicle finally came to a stop. I removed my headphones- which I had put on a while ago since Stefano started speaking on the phone in some non-english language.

"Don't be too surprised." Stefano started as he led me up the steps.

I was already blurting random shit as I stared at the mansion in front of me.

"You're joking." I gasped my first understandable english after my random ranting. "Did you murder someone to get all their will to get a freaking mansion?!"

"Something like that." he joked lightly- I think he's joking.

"Cool." I nodded and eagerly ran up the steps to the door.

Imagine he's secretly a shadowhunter. Am I a shadowhunter too? I guess I've got to push the door and see.

"Can I?" I asked Stefano.

"Go ahead." he nodded.

I felt an unexplainable proudness flow through my veins as I easily opened the door. HAHA bitches, I'm officially a shadowhunter now!

I'm kidding.

The second I stepped into the mansion, a scream left my lips. Instinctively, I brought my hands up to shield the incoming basketball.

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