Chapter 44

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Three days later

I haven't spoken to anyone since I spoke to Kyian.

Maybe he was right. I'm the problem here.

Bad things happen to people that meet me. People die. That wasn't right. I should be dead instead. That way, no one else has to die. Not anymore.

Ming offered to pick me up from the mansion today after I texted in the group, saying that I needed a ride.

It feels weird to have a group with Lennox's phone number inside. Like he's still alive and reading all our messages.

Once I was done changing into my uniform, I checked my phone to see the boys were waiting at the gate. I told them to wait outside. I didn't want the guards to call my brothers.

I didn't feel like talking or explaining right now.

Grabbing my school bag, I quickly made my way out of the mansion. I haven't eaten my breakfast but it doesn't matter because I don't feel hungry anyway.

Successfully getting into the car without being stopped by my brothers, I offered a small smile to my two friends.

Dean was in the passenger seat and Ming was driving so I took the back seat.

As Mingze drove, Dean handed me a brown bag. I took it, confused.

"Breakfast." Ming explained. "My ma cooked some for y'all. I'd figured you're probably gonna miss your breakfast since you're avoiding your brothers."

My stomach rumbled at the sight of the homemade burger.

"I'm not avoiding my brothers." I lied as I took a bite.

My eyes fluttered close as I savoured the delicious food.

Dean smirked at me. "It's amazing , right?"

I nodded in agreement. "Your mum's an angel, Ming."

"Can I pull the 'talk to me' card?" Ming asked suddenly when we arrived at school.

He looked at me through the rearview mirror but I looked away.

"No." I said quietly. "I'm okay. I don't want to talk about anything."

My friends exchanged a look and sighed. "Okay then." Dean mumbled.

We got out of the car and walked into the school.

Dean and Mingze flanked my sides as we stride past the hallway, the former on my left and later on my right.

We eventually stopped short when-

"The memorial." Dean breathed at the sight of the flowers and pictures around Len's locker. "I forgot they were having this shit."

Only the three of us in this school knew what really went down the night Len died. To the world and the news, Lennox died in a fire accident that claimed a bunch of other people's lives- those they managed to identify anyway.

The school principal did asked if we wanted to be the committee to hold and prepare the memorial but we denied. Len never wanted attention from anyone and having this memorial only makes it even worse.

"They don't even care about him." I hissed under my breath.

I was mad. Mad because everyone here is acting as if they knew him. They're acting as if he meant something to them.

Then I saw her. The one person who burst into the principal's office, offering to help organize this memorial.

"Delilah," that bitch smiled brightly as she approached us, two other boys flanking her side- one of them was Jason. "Boys."

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