Chapter 18

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"Specifically purple carnations." the flower lady repeated.

I nodded eagerly. "That's right."

It's Lennox's game night tonight. I got the boys each different things for after their game.

Purple carnations for Len because it's his favourite flower; Gummy bears for Mingze as he needs sugar for his post-game adrenaline; and a cute card for Dean because he loves to collect homemade cards.

"There you go."

"Thank you so much!" I grinned and paid her. "Have a good day."

I skipped out of the shop. Last item on my to-buy list- done.

It's a good day today. I spent the morning having some me-time with myself and boy, it's the best time I've had in a long time.

I guess I just needed peace and quiet with myself.

After my me-time, I spent the rest of the afternoon crying to Kingdom of Ashes.

What a nice way to start up a day.

Back at the mansion, I looked into the mirror. I'm currently dressed in Lennox's jersey which was slightly oversized for me. I love his jersey because it's sleeveless.

For some reason, I feel more comfortable with sleeveless tops.

To finish up my look, I tied my hair into a low messy bun and put on some golden earrings and necklaces.

Lastly, I put on the friendship ring the boys made for me as a welcoming gift for being a member of their small friend group.

It's a cute little infinity ring made out of paper clips.

Who would've known they were so creative.

"Ew." I voiced said.

I turned slightly to see Maxwell standing by my door, giving me a disgusted look.

"Who's shirt are you wearing?"

I sighed and got up from my vanity chair. "Really, Max, we're back to the alpha brother thing again?"

"I'm just playing my role." he grinned.

He ran in and attacked my bed. I think he loves my bed more than his own one.

Poor Maxwell's bed.

"So you did find yourself a bad boy boyfriend huh." he stated amusingly as he watched me walk around my room, packing up my stuff.

"Len is not a bad boy." I rolled my eyes. "He's not my boyfriend either."

"The shirt says so otherwise."

"I'm just wearing it to support him and his team." I shrugged.

Seriously, what's the big deal about this?

"Mm. You must really be living under a rock for your whole life huh."

My eyebrow jolted up. "I pretty much am." I reminded him. "For the first half of my life, all I knew was fighting and killing. For my second part, it's no fighting and no killing. Then it's how-the-hell-am-I-suppose-to-survive-this. And now this."

"When a guy gives you their shirt," my brother explained. "It's usually them making the first move to show that they like you, or that you belong to them."

I rolled my eyes again. "I belong to no one but me. Plus, I have half of Mingze's closet in mine."

"Yeah just wait till one day, they're gonna fight over you like.. what do you call it- like the alpha males they are."

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