Chapter 29

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Delilah POV

You know when you have that gut feeling that says to just give up hope?

Yeah, that's me right now.

Asashi and I went out today because I have to 'be more carefree' and so we just wandered around the city, going in and out of random train stations, walking around the city where the train drops us off.

We were attacked.

I watched another one of my friends die again.

I lowered my head to the basin and splashed some wanted onto my face. I finally got the blood of me but I couldn't help but watch the scene unfold in front of me again.

"I will kill them." I promised my friends who had died trying to save and warn me. "They're gonna pay. All of them."

I looked into the mirror and saw an older version of me.

Letting out a long exhale, I blinked and exited my bathroom.

I don't think I want to witness or see how the older version of me is. Eyebags, sleepless nights, heart filled with hatred and revenge.

That Delilah is scary.

"You look like shit."

I jumped in surprise to see Maxwell on my bed. My ipad between his legs as he scrolled through my gallery.

"You scared the hell out of me!" I exclaimed, throwing a hairbrush at him.

He dodged easily with a grin. "You look gorgeous in the pictures- I can't believe I said that, but you look like you've been to hell right now."

I snorted. "Keep scrolling and you'll find the weirdest shit."

"Oh I already did." he laughed. "Why the hell did you even take a picture of your mosquito bite- on your ass!"

My cheeks heated up and I lunged for my ipad. "IT WAS HUGE." I defended whilst laughing.

Max ditched my ipad a few seconds later and found a new interest in Lenpacca.

"And this." He continued, holding in his laugh in order to speak. "You named this after your boyfriend? What it is..Lenpacca?!"

I burst out laughing at the way he said it. "Give it back."

Narrowing my eyes on him, I snatched Lenpacca back and hugged it to my chest tightly. "Don't worry, Lenny, I wouldn't let Maxwell make fun of you." I cooed.

Max burst out laughing for a full minute before he could speak again.

"Careful there, sorellina. The alpaca's rubbing on you. It wouldn't be long before you break up with Lennox for the toy." he teased playfully.

"Get lost, Maxy." I rolled my eyes. "What are you doing in my room anyway?"

"Mm. You okay?" he asked, suddenly turning serious.

"Yeah? Why?"

"You seemed a little down lately. Just wanna check on you."

I couldn't help but love him even more.

"Can I get a hug?" I asked quietly.

He gave me a lopsided grin and held his arms out. I did not hesitate to climb over to him and into the comfort of his arms.

"You know, I used to punch you when you wanted a hug." Maxwell told me randomly.

I scoffed. "I've never asked for any hugs from you."

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