Chapter 53

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"LILY!" was the first thing I heard when Rowan unlocked the last two door, causing it to click open.

I stared down in disbelief. "RU?!" I laughed-cried.

Within seconds, I carried him in my arms and we hugged like our life depended on it.

"Holy shit, kid!" I gasped, pulling away to check on him.

There were faint bruises near his cheekbones and his bottom lip was torn at the corner. Anger swelled in me again but I forced it down because I should be happy to see him again.

"I miss you." Haruto whispered, snuggling his face into the croak of my neck. "I miss you- Ki, how's Ki?"

He snapped up, looking me in the eyes. "Don't worry kid," Rowan chuckled, coming over to take him from me. "Kyian's okay. He's recovered well."

Ru went on and hugged Row immediately. He was then snatched away by Ming who squeezed the life out of him. Sol had a small smile on his lips but only patted the kid's head.

"It's good to have you back." he said.

The nice moment was ruined when Dory spoke. "He's not here."

The words echoed in my head as I whipped around to see two more kids exiting through the last door.

"What?" I barely heard my voice. "What do you mean- he's got to be here."

"He's not." Tridy repeated.

Milan then rushed to the computer and frantically typed into it. "We were so sure!" he insisted.

When Milan opened the file on Louis, I proceeded to join him.

"Wait, Lilah, don't-" Tridy started but it was too late.

I stared at the name on the screen. There are many things I know about Louis since we never hide anything from each other. I thought.

Louis Hernan Garcia.

His name was bolded in the file. I clicked it open and my eyes scanned through the details. There was a bunch of information about when and how he was experimented on- all of them were a failure, by the way.

The one thing that I couldn't look away from was his surname and the words highlighted in the family business section.

Garcia. Heir to the Spanish mafia.

"What the fuck." Was the first thing I said when I recovered from my shock.

I looked towards my friends, hoping they were confused. No. They weren't. They looked guilty.

"Lilah-" Dory started, reaching for me but I stepped away.

I clicked onto his file with his real name (Matteo) and I almost punched the screen. He's the heir to the English mafia. And don't get me started on Tridy, who's the princess of the American-German mafia.

I'm so done.

"Did you know this?" I whispered, feeling betrayed.

"Capt, we can explain-" Tridy tried.

I shook my head. "Did you know who I was even then?"

They're wordless expressions told me everything.

How could they? If they had known who I was, why didn't they tell me?! I could've gone back to my family and I never would have had to go to any foster homes and meet people like Jonathon-

I slammed my fist onto the counter and let out a shaky breath. "Does everyone know about this?!" I demanded.

"I didn't." KC raised his hands- I almost forgot he was here.

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