Chapter 21

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"We are going camping." I announced as I burst into the dining room.

It was only 8 in the morning and I thought I woke up early. Until I saw all my brothers in the kitchen almost done with their breakfast.

I've recently noticed how stress my brothers were- some in their business and some in studies- so it is time for them to enjoy some greens in their lives.

"Who are you going with?" Stefano asked without looking up from his phone.

"Us."I clarified. "All of us."

At this, everyone's attention snapped towards me.

I grinned happily at the attention. "We're going to camp in Salt Lake Woods."

According to my memory and Maxwell's confirmation, it's a place where our parents used to bring us during the summer to forget about the outside world for a week. No school, no homework, no work, just us spending time together as a family.

We also had a cabin there.

All of them protested at once, speaking over each other.

I took a bite of my breakfast, giving them exactly one minute to rant their shit out. It's actually funny watching them yell over one another without knowing why they were even complaining.

"Guys. GUYS." I raised my voice ever so slightly and all of them shut up.

"We're going into the woods and that's final." I told them sternly, leaving no room for argument.

"But-" Roman started.

"Pack your stuff." I cut him off. "We'll be leaving in ten."


"Hush." I shushed my brother with a sharp look and he pouted. "Just be ready."

"I want her to be three again when she can't order us around." Solace grumbled under his breath.

"She's been ordering around before she could even speak." Silas scoffed.

"Yeah, remember once when she was still in the crib and she pointed towards her toys." Stefano recalled. "Then she started crying when we ignored her."

I have no memory of this shit.

"You ignored us for a week for that." Rowan mumbled.

"Until two year-old Max decided to smack your head with a book." Solace burst out laughing.

I gaped at Max and he raised his hands in surrender. "I have no memory of that, sorellina."

"Anyway, pack up, boys, we're going for a vacation."


We did not leave at the time I had expected us to leave.

Mostly because my brothers decided to bring along their working and study supplies for a freaking camping trip.

I had to spend ten minutes on each of their backpacks, making sure there were only clothes and camping stuff inside.

Then I had to drag their asses out of the house, whilst having them mumbling complaints and trying to run back into the mansion.

Roman locked himself in his room, his reason was because he had to study.

I'm mostly thankful for Maxwell because he helped me drag our brothers out. He'd do anything to skip studying.

That's why he's my favourite brother.

"Quit switching my songs." Stefano snapped from the driver seat as he tried to snatch his phone back.

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