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"you'll be very soon sweetheart"

"I'm too tired to keep up with your crap , just leave me alone"

Y/n said annoyed by his presence

"C'mon , It's our first night We should have some fun , What do you say "

He said as he walked closer towards y/n

Y/n stepped back as he kept moving closer until her back hit the wall

"Don't you dare lay a finger on me"

She said as Joshua burst out laughing as he moved back from her

"Look at you all flustered" he said while laughing

Y/n bit her inner cheek ready to attack him

He was laughing when y/n hit her foot on his knee

"Ow! What was that for"he said still laughing

She just rolled her eyes and went upstairs in her room and locked the door and slept cause she was tired and needed rest so bad after whatever happened today .

<Next Morning>

Y/n woke up after her alarm blasted in her ear . She washed up and changes into her new work clothes . Wore a little makeup and went downstairs only to find food on container with a note saying

"eat up , I left early since Today's my welcome party as ceo , I know you don't want to come but my mother insisted for your presence so come 

Ps. I didn't poison the food :D "

Y/n sat down on chair and tried the food , her eyes shot open . It was pretty good , she didn't expect him to be a good cook lol . Y/n ate and left the house . 


It was  9 pm . Joshua's welcome part started at 8 pm which was 1 hour ago . Y/n had forgotten since she was busy in her work until she received numerous texts from Joshua asking where the hell was she . She shut down her laptop , grabbed her bag and ran out the moment she saw the texts . She drove as fast she could . She ran in the building as soon she reached there . She ran to where Joshua and his mother were , waiting for her .

"There you are" Joshua said glaring at her

"I was kinda ..busy" she said as she looked at ellie with apologetic eyes

Joshua rolled his eyes and went to the stage changing his expression to sweet one , held the mic and spoke

"Now , I'll introduce all the sweet guests present here to my beautiful wife  Y/n , that i'm so thankful of seeing potential in me , always cheering for me through hard times ,giving my love a chance and marrying me . I stand here today is thanks to my lovely wife . I have loved you , still do and will love you always and i hope you will be on my side forever"

He said all that while having that fake warmth and love for his wife

Y/n stood there shook and confused looking at him

"How fake a person can be" She thought

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