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"please forgive me just this once" she begged

"Seo-ra it's late you should go home for now" he said

"I- .. My father kicked me out" she said in lowering her head


"Can I stay here for one night I'm sorry "

He sighed and opened the door to his place "come in"

Few days passed , and then weeks and then a month . Joshua forgave Seo-ra and knew he still had feelings and they started dating again.

2019 (2nd semester in college)

"Will you marry me Jung Seo-ra" he said on his knee with a ring in his hand . The girl in front of him screamed happily tearing up she nodded her head accepting her boyfriend's proposal . He slid the ring in her finger and hugged her tightly , It was probably the best day of his life

2019 (3rd semester in college)

"Joshy , Dad wants to meet you" Seo-ra said snuggling closer in his arms




"Seo-ra come on we'll be late , I don't wanna upset your father"


She ran downstairs and walked outside with him and got in car and they drove away to her Father's place

"I'm so nervous I don't know if he'll like me " Joshua said stopping the car at red light

"Don't worry ,it'll be ok i'm sure he'll be fond of you" she said assuring him holding his free hand

Once they arrived at the location , Joshua let out a deep sigh before getting out of car with Seo-ra to go inside . They went inside and walked towards the living room , her father's luxurious place wasn't a surprise for him , he was born with golden spoon , money didn't waver him . They saw a man standing in the lounge standing infront of large glass window waiting for them , Joshua put on a nice smile and spoke

"Hello , Mr Jung .. I'm your daughter's fiancé Joshua Hong , It's a honor to meet you"

Hearing his voice , The man turned around and walked towards them with a smile "oh dear , Didn't Seo-ra tell you I'm not a Jung . Hong , I'm Hong Danielle"

Joshua's eyes widened and his eyebrows slightly up in frown as he recognized her father . It was his father . He turned to look at Seo-ra who was smiling at him

"Wha.."  he was left speechless

"How are you son" Mr Hong smiled and pulled out his hand towards Joshua , Joshua didn't know what to do , What to say , What to think . He stepped back and left with feelings of betrayal and pure confusion


Joshua didn't leave house for days and didn't answer Seo-ra's or anyone's calls nor did he open the door when Seo-ra banged on his door for hours

He was betrayed , slowly everything came together. She knew it all along he was her step brother , She wasn't in love , she was on  mission to bring Joshua to his father who Joshua hated with passion . But Joshua was in love with Seo-ra , his step sister , He felt disgusted at himself and being caught in dilemma he called Jeonghan as he always does to talk about his problems . He explained his situation to Jeonghan and Jeonghan hated his father more than Joshua himself , Joshua finally decided to go back to Korea . After insisting and apologies of Seo-ra , he didn't change his mind and told her to forget him .

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