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8 years ago(2015)

Few weeks passed , Seo-ra started having feelings for Joshua while Jay had eyes on her . But Joshua wasn't interested . She chased him around trying to get his attention but it was mostly useless , All Joshua cared about was being on top whether it was academic level or athletic , he wanted to be the only one . His visuals made girls swoon over him but his arrogance also drew them away unlike Seo-ra who only wanted him to like her back . Jay hated how Seo-ra never looked at her . Slowly like this Seo-ra became part of their friend group , They would hangout and do projects together .

19 October 2015

"She passed out , I'll take her inside" said Vernon picking Sarah up in his arms

"It's cold , let's go inside too" Jay said
Joshua nodded and went inside with Jay while Seo-ra was still drinking and resisted to go inside

After half an hour , Joshua walked outside for some fresh air and found Seo-ra drunk , almost passed outside , he was about to let it go but decided to tell her to go inside

He stood behind her and tapped her shoulder "it's late go inside you'll catch cold" he said normally . He heard her mumble he leaned a little closer to hear what she was saying , she suddenly got up angrily and turned to face him , their faces were so close "Why don't you like me" she mumbled angrily pouting "i don't have any other choice , will you like me after I .." Joshua was still processing when her lips landed on his , his body froze and he didn't know why he kissed her back instead of pushing her

This was when Joshua started feeling something he didn't know , He started caring for her and smiled unknowingly looking at her and they finally started dating . 

How adorable right but there's more to it , they were popular couple of campus but maybe fate was not on their side because their relationship couldn't stay very strong for long

"Why were you so close to him , do you think I don't know what you do behind my back huh" said Joshua almost yelling at Seo-ra who was trapped between his arms and wall in an empty classroom

"What are you even saying Josh , Do you not even have this much faith on me , Do you really think I'll go around cheating on you" Seo-ra snapped

"Considering it's you , anything is possible , the girl who seduced me while drunk-" he backed off a little and scoffed "now you're after my bestfriend , unbelievable"

"You're ridiculous Josh" she said pushing him aside and exited the empty classroom leaving furious Joshua behind

Jay walked in the classroom seeing Seo-ra walk out with a sad face

"What happened between you two , what did you do to her"

"Tsk , See who's asking" Joshua under his breathe and walked to jay and stopped near his ear "Stay away from my girl Park" he looked into Jay's eyes giving him warning look "it won't do you any good" with that Joshua walked past him hitting his shoulder on purpose

Jay's friendship was turned into more like rivalry , Joshua let it go and made up with Seo-ra but was still very cautious with her and Jay

Two months passed and prom came up, Joshua and Seo-ra were going together , Vernon and Sarah were going together while Jay was alone

But was he really alone ..

"Traitors! I knew it "

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