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" You're here Mr Yoon , Take a seat "

"You had some business with me Mr. Park ? " Jeonghan said taking a seat infront of Jay

"Shall we have some food as we talk?" asked Jay

Jeonghan nodded , Jay called for waiter to take their order

Soon , the food arrived with a bottle of luxury wine

"I prepared this special wine for you Mr. Yoon , Hope you like it" Jay said pouring wine in Jeonghan's glass and then his own

"What was it you wanted to talk about" Jeonghan asked taking a sip of wine from glass

"Well , as you see I hate beating around the bush so I'll get to the point" Jay said while cutting the steak in his plate into small pieces before placing it infront of Jeonghan exchanging with his plate also cutting it into smaller pieces , he continued "You want your position back and I want Joshua to go back to LA , we almost have same goal or wish you  say , And I think You are the only one who can convince him to go back to LA"

"You are right , I want my position back , and you are wrong , No I can not convince him" Jeonghan said taking a bite of steak

"As long as I know , He is your precious little brother who listens to everything you say"

"Not anymore"

"Then , how about we shake hands " Jay said looking at Jeonghan

"What's your plan Mr.Park , I would like to know" Jeonghan said placing doen his fork and knife looking back at Jay

"It's simple , I have everything sort out , You just have to follow my lead Mr Yoon" Jay said smiling at Jeonghan
"You get your company , I will get my revenge and Joshua can .... die "he continued "I'm sorry , I was just kidding , I mean Joshua should go back to LA to his father"

"I'll think about it " Jeonghan said getting up from his seat

"Thanks for coming" Jay said also standing up , he stretched out his hand towards Jeonghan to shake

Jeonghan accepted it and left

" You are so done , Joshua Hong " Jay mumbled after Jeonghan left

                              * * *

"Why are you sick after being in water for like 3 minutes" Joshua mumbled placing a soaked towel on y/n's forehead to bring down the temperature

"Rest up , I'll make soup for you " he said getting up from the chair beside the bed in y/n's room

He went downstairs in the kitchen to make some hot soup for her , he took out ingredients from fridge and started cooking

"I can't believe i'm doing this for her" he said to himself cutting the onions

He poured the soup in bowl and placed the bowl in a wooden tray with medicine

He brought the tray to her room , placed it on side-table of bed before helping her sit up , he placed the tray infront of y/n . She took the spoon but kept moving it in the soup without taking a single bite .

"Why aren't you eating it" Joshua said annoyed

"I'm not hungry" Y/n said still playing with her soup

Joshua sighed before taking the spoon from her hand , taking some soup in spoon and placing it infront of her mouth telling her to say ahh

"Ffs y/n , eat it , you have to take medicine"  Joshua said getting more annoyed

Y/n finally gave up and let him feed her , After half bowl was finished she held joshua's wrist which had spoon in it , telling him to stop

"Enough , I can't eat more" She said

"Ok" Joshua said before putting down the spoon and placing tray aside . He picked up the medicine and poured some water in glass giving it to her

She took it silently before complaining how bad it tastes

"It's medicine it'll taste like that isn't it obvious duh" Joshua said before taking a candy out of his trousers pocket , opening it and shoving it in her mouth

"Now shut up and go to sleep" he said while tucking her in blanket as she ate the candy in her mouth

"Such a kid" he said under his breathe before leaving her room

At midnight , he couldn't help but wake up and check on her


He woke up by his phone ringing , he answered it without looking at the caller id as he was half asleep

"Slept well son ? "

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