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<Next Morning>

Joshua couldn't sleep whole night . He was so stressed. He was a mess but he somehow collected himself and got ready for office . When he got out of his room , y/n had already left .

He reached his office and rushed in his room calling Hoshi in , when Hoshi came in he ordered him firmly

"Trace hye-in's car and find the footage of cctv cameras of the marriage hall . Hire a person to keep an eye on Jeonghan outside the office . The person must keep a close eye on him and report you , if you find something suspicious tell me right away . Keep me reported about him . Hire a professional to not get caught . Jeonghan should never find out . Got it "

"Yes sir" Hoshi replied , bowed and left

Joshua sat down and was focused on his work when someone knocked and walked in .


Joshua couldn't care much , his eyes still glued on laptop he said coldly

"What do you want again"

"I need to talk to you" So-ra said and walked towards the desk before sitting on the chair across Joshua , his eyes still on laptop

"I don't think we have anything to talk about " he said

"Go back to LA with me Josh , You know , I know and Everyone can see that you don't belong here , handling this small business of your mother"

Joshua let out a small sigh and looked at her and said

"This is my office , and I'd consider you to leave if you don't have a business with me bcs we don't discuss personal matters in office . And anything you just said sounds ridiculous , nonsense to me . You should leave now ma'am" he said with a blank face and diverted his eyes back on laptop

"Sure you say , you shouldn't discuss personal issues in office . And I know you won't meet me outside so you leave me with no choice but .."

Y/n and Joshua were having dinner when the door bell rang , y/n got up and opened the door to see a girl with a smile standing .

"Is Joshua home?" The girl asked

"Can I ask who are you " Y/n asked

"Joshua's friend" The girl answered

"Who is it" asked Joshua from behind , he walked to the door and his eyes widened as he looked at the person standing outside the door

"What are you doing here and How in the hell you found my address" Joshua asked pushing y/n to the side

"To talk? I guess . But that's not how you treat a guest , I was also curious about your wife "

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