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On the field, she is greeted by another mass of men. Somehow, this group is less intimidating, despite the fact that there are at least twenty of them around her.

Most of them aren't paying much attention. They're scattered throughout the field. Some are in the dugout, and a few are leaning up against the wall, chatting and laughing. A few more have joined a friendly game of catch between 2nd and 3rd base.

She is instructed to make rounds and get to know everyone.

Two years ago, she did an internship with a semi-pro hockey team, so she has a decent idea of what's expected of her.

Most of the guys are nice enough. For the most part, they give the information without even asking for it. Considering many of these guys have probably been playing sports for two decades, it's not really surprising. They know what to expect. She's grateful for that.

It makes it pretty easy, actually. Aside from a few older injuries causing mild irritation, the crew is healthy. Which makes sense, considering it's the beginning of the season.

She finds herself in the midst of a fairly heated conversation about the best 90's TV show after discussing what everyone had binge-watched on the off-season. Brooke is halfway through her argument that Friends is entirely overrated when the group all starts to cheer and clap loudly.

"Cam! What's up, my man?" One of them announces loudly as a gentleman walks up to the cluster.

This guy, Cam, makes his way down the line, giving hugs and fist bumps.

The guy next to her leans close to her shoulder.

"That's Cameron Taylor. He's kind of an honorary Captain. Genuinely One of the best Dudes you'll ever meet. Hotshots wouldn't be anywhere without him."

She nods. She had heard the name bounced around before.

He gets a little closer and bro-hugs the guy, who's name she has already forgotten, next to her.

"Good to see you back, Buddy!" He exclaims. They go back and forth for a minute.

"Hey, I'm Cam Taylor." He says to her, holding out his hand. He has an absolutely flawless face. His blonde hair is mostly slicked back, with a few stray pieces blown gently on his forehead from the breeze. He's tall and lean with big blue eyes. If this guy's baseball career doesn't work out, he could get a gig with Calvin Klein, no problem. 

"Hey. I'm Brooke Chance. I'm the new Athletic Trainer." She responds.

"Oh, you're the new Scholar on the team!" He exclaims.

She stands with her mouth dropped open, just a tad.

"I helped with the hiring process. I read your resume. Bachelor of Science in Atheltic Training and a Doctorate in Phycial Therapy. Graduated top of your class last year. That's pretty dang impressive." He says.

She is dumbfounded, and she can feel the heat rushing to her face.

She can her giggles around her.

"Sorry, I was just shocked. A 27 year old who has already accomplished so much. I'm impressed. I think you're going to be an awesome addition to the Hotshots." He says sincerely.

Cam keeps making his rounds. Immediately, she notices he knows everything about everyone.

She falls back into the conversation for a while.

The guys slowly start to trickle out after a while.

She decides to head back up to her office and begin the daunting task of entering all of the files into her Drive. She travels with the team and wants it to be accessible.

It's been a couple hours when she hears a knock on the door.

There are papers everywhere, yet again.

She opens it to see Mr Calvin Klein himself in front of her.

"Hey! Do you have a sec?"

"Uhhh...sure." She says.

Cam gently closes the door behind him.

"Sorry to bother you. I can tell you're slammed. I can't even imagine." He says.

She shrugs.

"It's alright. I've always kind of liked busy work."

Cam laughs.

"Hey, listen. Did you check in with Cade at all?" He asks.

"Honestly, I'm sorry. I am still learning names. I can't remember them all yet."

"Belmount, Caden?" He says again, this time in a more serious tone.

Come to think of it, no. She hadn't. That's a name she would have remembered.

"I guess not. I didn't see him out there. Or at least anywhere near me." She says.

For the first time, Cam actually looks a little jostled.

"I just...I worry about him. One more incident, and he is gonna get tossed. He doesn't deserve that." Cam stresses.

She doesn't really know how to respond. The guy seems like a dick from what she's heard.

"Brooke, seriously. He has a reason. He's just too scared to tell anyone. He needs help. He is the nicest guy, I swear." Cam says, almost like he read her mind.

"A reason?" She questions.

"A reason for what?"

Cam takes a deep breath.

"The way he acts sometimes. It's not drugs-" He stops abruptly and closes his eyes. 

"I'm sorry." He says, lowering his voice.

"It's just that no one gives a damn. They see how he can play, but when he has a problem, they immediately assume he is just being defiant. They're pissed because he isn't putting up numbers. They don't actually care enough to ask."

Brooke feels the nerves in her fingertips start to go numb.


Brooke nods.

"I..I can check in with him." She says.

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