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"I can't play tonight, Brooke." He says, after she has managed to get him out of bed and in and out of the shower.

"I don't know if I ever want to even play again. As soon as I leave this room, everything is going to be different. The Hotshots probably wouldn't even take me back at this point."

"That's not true, Cade. They want you to play, both of them."

He isn't convinced.

"They're gonna think I'm a freak."

"No, they aren't."

She picks up her phone to check it.

The first notification is from the MLB app. She had set up notifications when Cade was brought up, incase she couldn't muster the energy to actually watch. There are a plethora of texts and missed calls underneath it, but she is quickly distracted when she reads her name next to the logo.

"Rockies Affeliate Athletic Announcer releases statement regarding Rookie Caden Belmount's medical episode during last night's game. Read more

She clicks on it quickly.

"Rockie's Caden Belmount suffered a medical incident during his first professional bat last night. The rookie was facing his third pitch when he dropped the bat and began to urinate through his clothes on the mound. Belmount was relieved from his slot for the remainder of the game. Brooke Chance, Harlingston Hotshots Athletic Trainer, has released a statement regarding Belmount. "I've gotten to know Cade very well on our shared time with the Hotshots. He has been battling an unknown disorder that often causes his bladder to release without warning, especially in high-stress situations. We have quietly been working on finding treatments for Cade and managing his condition the best we can. He is a phenomenal baseball player, and this was an unfortunate time for an episode to occur. I am confident he can overcome this and pursue the game he loves."

"Life isn't fair, but we all have his back." Hotshots first baseman, Cam Taylor said.

We are hopeful we will get to see the real Caden Belmount tonight when the Rockies take on the Red Sox at 7:00PM.

She shows the screen to Cade.

"They have to say that to save their own ass." He scoffs.

She takes his hand in her fingers.

"No, Cade. It's because they care. The Hotshots, the Rockies, the Hoshots. Everyone."

His eyes are filling with tears again. He doesn't respond.

Cade doesn't play that night. She doesn't even try to convince him. She knows too well by now that it wouldn't be a good idea, even if somehow she could.

He does follow his contract and show up dressed at call time. They have to separate at the entrance. It's not like little Harlingston. He gives her a long hug before splitting off.

She is invited to sit in the club section with the families. The stadium is massive. Everything feels so different. It doesn't even feel like a baseball game, between the open bar and the big screen TV's.

It's a pretty uneventful evening. A few of the girlfriends come over to introduce themselves. They immediately turn away when they realize who she is. One of them even scoffs out a laugh before rolling her eyes and walking away.

She doesn't know where Cade is, but she can't imagine it's any better for him.

When they meet up again at the end of the night, Cade has unexpectedly perked up a bit. Turns out the team was more supportive than their gold-diggers she had been in company of.

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