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Brooke and Cade keep their distance from each other the rest of the road trip.

It's not awkward. They exchange smiles and high fives here and there.

She thinks Cade is still just soaking in the whole thing. She is still trying to get a grasp on it herself. They don't speak of it. The morning after, some of the guys gave them suspicious looks, but honestly, she has realized no one really cares what Cade does, as long as he is in good head space and playing at the elite level he is capable of. If that means quietly spending the night in the athletic trainers hotel room, everyone is pretty much cool with that. She thinks they know, but they're kind enough not to say.

The team is off to a record-breaking start to the season, sitting on top of the league by the time they return home.

They have one day off before they are back at it in front of their home fans. Baseball really does go non-stop for its season.

She is exhausted when she finally returns home- or to her rental. It's pretty bare still. Sure, she has a couch and a bed and a dining room table. There are photos on the refrigerator from her days in Varsity Cheer and more recent ones from her family vacation to Costa Rica with her parents and cousins. She plans to make it a little more homey once the snow starts to fly and she can actually spend some time at the place.

It's nice, though. It's not Idaho, but it's nice. There are still mountains outside, and the air is still crisp in the mornings, even in early July. It's a little ways out of town, but not too far. Enough that the traffic isn't insane and she has a small backyard of her own.

It's past midnight. She strips off her clothes and gets in the shower. It feels so nice. She takes her time washing her face and shaving her legs. She feels nearly human again when she steps out.

She hasn't eaten since 2pm, but insane schedules have a way of making you forget your basic human needs. She realizes this the hot pocket she tosses in the microwave tastes entirely too gourmet.

She sits on the couch and begins scrolling on her phone. Photos and videos from old friends flood her screen. Most of them are married with kids by now. She feels a little sad for a moment. She's fought that feeling before, wondering if she would have been happier that way.

She likes the posts anyway.

She finally begins to wind down at 2am. Her body is beyond wrecked. Her knees hurt. She knows that there won't be any late night knocks on her door tonight. Even though she kind of wishes there was.

Her mind wonders. Every time she closed her eyes, she sees Cade there. Sometimes, he is naked, eyes glowing like the first time he saw her body. Sometimes, he is on the field, in his happy place, absent-mindedly smiling that sweet, sweet smile. And sometimes he is crying and shaking. She doesn't enjoy that one so much.

Tonight, though, she lets herself get lost in the good memories she has. The bed feels colder than it ever has before.

She does eventually fall asleep. Hard.
When she wakes up in the morning, it's...not morning anymore. She had always been the type to wake up at 6:14AM. A minute before her alarm, whether it was set or not. It's 11:27AM.

She gets up and makes herself a cup of coffee. It's been a long time since she has actually been able to sit down and drink it. She curls up under a soft blanket and cradles the warm mug between her fingers.

The sun is shining through the curtains, creating a soft glow on the empty white walls. It's comforting.

She goes for a jog and then takes another shower before laying down for a late afternoon siesta. Dinner is a couple of street tacos with a side of strawberries and steamed brocolli. For the first time in weeks, she feels rested. She sleeps like a baby.

It makes it easier to go into work the next day, having actually had a full day off to recuperate. She arrives at 11:45. She spends the afternoon working through PT plans.

Players start trickling in throughout the afternoon. The deadline to arrive is 4:15. By 3:45, the majority of the guys have arrived and are either working out in the equipment room or on the field for batting practice.

She may or may not be looking for a certain one through her window. By 4:05, it finally gets the best of her. She walks down the concourse and into the clubhouse. She gets a few fist bumps along the way. She is stopped once to ask for her assistance in a wrap.

It's cutoff time when she actually makes it to the field. Cam approaches her and pulls her into a hug.

"Hey, I just wanted to thank you for everything you've done so far. You're a perfect fit for the team. We appreciate you."

She smiles. Cam gives off this contagious radiant energy all the time.

He looks around, checking his surroundings.

"Have you seen Cade?" He asks.

She shakes her head.

"I was kind of looking for him, I haven't seen him since we got back." She realizes that was probably really really suspicious. Of course she wouldn't have seen him since they got back.

Something is telling her that Cam knows though. Or at least knows something.

His smile drops.

"That's not good. He didn't respond to my text this morning either. I was hoping it was just a coincidence. He'd been doing so well." He says and checks the time on his phone.

"I'll give him ten more minutes and I'll go check on him. Probably be one of those games." He says.

"Let me know if he turns up." He adds.

She feels a growing weight in her chest.

A few of the guys near the dugout sigh and congregate together.

Fifteen minutes goes by before Cam comes back up to her.

"I'm going to go get him." He says.

"Why don't I?" She says before she even has time to think about what she has said.

Cam looks concerned.

"Brooke, I know you guys are getting close but...sometimes it's not..." he stops.

"Cam, I know what he struggles with. He told me."

"He told you?" He questions.

"I mean, at least some of it."

Cam looks apprehensive, but he nods.

"Tell Elliott what you're doing. Maybe he will give him some grace after his performance the last few games."

She nods.

Elliott already looks annoyed before she even reaches him. He is holding a roster and a pencil.

"Hey there, Miss Chance. What's going on?" He asks.

"I'm going to go find Cade." She says.

He sighs.

"Taking the load off Taylor today, huh?" He laughs.

She nods.

"Cam deserves a break. I kind of broke through to Cade last week. I want to help him." She says.

Elliott looks sympathetic, but not optimistic.

"We all do. I will let Dan know to scratch him. We need you back by mandatory practice." He says.

She agrees and walks back to her office to find Cade's address.

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