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It's harder to ignore the question when the sun rises. Brooke has to leave soon, too. The Rockies know what Cade has to offer now. The chances of them cutting him are pretty slim. Brooke had had some kind of sick hope that they would.

They don't have much time to ignore the inevitable because they receive a group text from the entire Rockies management team asking to meet them in an hour.

Cade looks like he might throw up again. She smiles even though it hurts, she would never show him that.

They get dressed in silence and arrive together.

He stops her before they enter. The gently takes her face in his hands, kissing her softly.

"B, no matter what happens, you need to know, you saved my life. I wouldn't be here without you. And I will never forget that."

A single tear falls down her cheek. He has tears in his eyes, too. He wipes it with his thumb.

They collect themselves and take a deep breath.

The crew before them is nothing short of intimidating. It's Parker, Phil, J.D, and a man she recognizes as the President of the organization.

"Miss Chance, Mr Belmount, it's nice to officially meet you. I'm Russell Drake, Rockies President of Operations."

"You've got one hell of a swing, Kid."
Phil says.

"And your qualifications aren't bad either." He looks at Brooke.

"Take a seat, please." Russell says.

"Relax. You aren't in trouble." Parker says, clearly reading their energy.

They settle into the thick office chairs.

"You had one hell of a game last night." Russell.

"You impressed the hell out of all of us." Parker says.

He continues. "We've had our eye on your for years, Belmount. This season though, man. You went to a new level."

Cade blushes.

"I know you have some medical issues you're working through. I also know that Brooke has played a huge part in helping you navigate and manage that." Parker says.

"That's why we want you both." Russell says.

Their jaws simultaneously fall open.

"J.D. here is retiring this season. We have a replacement for him , but we will be down field trainer."

All eyes go to Brooke then. She is feeling pretty nauseous herself.

"Belmount, you're here on a two week contract. Usually, we see how guys perform, then decide to keep 'em or cut 'em." Parker says.

"We know this is a unique dynamic." Russell starts.

"You two are very close...uh unprofessionally?" He questions.

Cade looks at her.

"She's everything to me." He says.

She has to fight hard to keep the tears in the back of her eyes from vacating.

"Don't worry. We don't have those rules about internal dating here." Russell says.

"Those are just to keep the rookies focused and out of trouble." Phil says for the first time, like maybe he is speaking from personal experience.

The table laughs at large.

"So we aren't wrong in assuming you two are in a relationship?" Parker asks, like every single person there doesn't already know the answer to that.

Cade looks at her again.

"Yeah." She says, squeezing his hand that is rested on the table.

"So here is our proposal." Russell says, pulling out two thick stacks of papers.

"We send you both down to Harlingston to finish out the season. We start training in Florida in January. Caden, I want you practicing with our coaching staff pre-season. Brooke, you would come out and do evals and plans of all returning and prospective players, determine medical eligibility. Same stuff you do now. You two go together."

She suddenly forgets how to breathe. Cade appears to he having a similar issue.

"This is subject to change, assuming your performance doesn't slip but your 1 year entry level contract would look something like this." He says, pointing to a really big number with his pen.

Cade looks like he is going to fall out of his seat.

"Brooke." J.D. says.

"Here's what the starting salary is for a field trainer with your qualifications." He points to a number that isn't nearly as long, but still makes her gasp.

"We would need you to sign your letter of intent today. Official contracts will be sent out in November." Russell says.

"Let's give them a few to talk it over." Parker says.

The group of four leaves, shutting the door behind them.

Cade hasn't lifted his head.

"Is this some kind of sick joke?" He asks.

"No, this is...this is real."

He looks up. When he sees a smile poking from the corner of her mouth, an even wider one grows on his.

"Are we moving to Denver?" He asks.

She tangles her fingers in his hair.

"You have a championship to win first." She says.

Cade laughs and grabs her out of her seat.

"We're both going to the Rockies." He says, like saying it outloud will make him actually believe it.

They sign their letters together and then they lock eyes.

"Just kiss her." J.D. says, and Cade blushes. It's still the most adorable thing, even now.

But he does, and it's the best kiss she's ever had.

"You made it, Cade."

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