Chapter Two

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 ✦ ───── ✧ Bring Her Home ✧ ───── ✦

"Lord Devlon. Your reports of including the females in training have been...abysmal, to say the least," Cassian said, crossing his arms. His wings were tucked in, flared only slightly, and half of his hair was tied up, out of his eyes as he glared at the defiant lord.

Devlon eyed Cassian and snorted before drawling in his sniveling voice, "And you're sure none of this is for your bitch of a mate?" He sneered at Cassian, his depression sly.

Azriel watched Cassian carefully as Cassian's nostrils flared, aware that Cassian was currently plotting a thousand different ways to kill him. "No. I've seen firsthand the impact training can have on a female's life, especially after being told by arrogant pricks like you that she was lesser than the males," he said coolly, his tone only slightly underlaid with anger.

Azriel immediately thought of Velaria, fighting until her very last breath, and a pang of heart flashed through him, almost piercing his heart directly.

"So, no," Cassian continued, "this isn't for my mate. This is for every female whose power you've been diminishing by denying them the equal right to training they deserve. If you don't want them, send them to my mate's successful Valkyrie training program." He lifted an eyebrow in challenge.

Devlon bared his teeth. "You Illyrian–"

"I would suggest not finishing that sentence, lordling," Rhysand's voice rang out from the tent entrance. He entered the tent smoothly, wearing a mask over his emotions. Azriel recognized the mask immediately. It was the face of a fae to be terrified of, the face of the Rhysand the majority of Prythian believed him to be.

Devlon shrunk back at once, bowing. "Yes, of course, High Lord," he muttered, immediately gathering up the papers that had been laid out on the table in the middle of the tent. "What can my Illyrian camp do for you today?"

"Nothing, so long as you listen to my most trusted commander," Rhysand said, his voice cold. Then he directed his piercing violet gaze to Azriel. "I came for our shadowsinger here."

Cassian shot Azriel a glance, as if to wish him luck. They both recognized the edge to Rhysand's voice.

"Find somewhere else to be," Rhysand said, addressing both Cassian and Devlon. Cassian nodded and strode out, shooting Azriel one last wary glance, Devlon leaving shortly after.

"Rhysand. What do you need me for?"

Rhysand whirled on his spymaster, each movement precise and warrior-like. "You did not tell me of your most recent spy work," Rhysaind said, his violet eyes flaring.

"Which? The check-up on the human queens, or the–"

"Do not play dumb," Rhysand said, his tone lethally icy. "You know exactly what I am talking about, Azriel."

Azriel inhaled sharply, already dreading the conversation ahead. "You are talking about Velaria."

Rhysand swallowed, finally allowing that emotion to break free from behind his mask. "Is it true? Is she alive?" he asked, his voice now thick with emotion, his eyes shining with it.

"Rhys..." Azriel pinched the bridge of his nose. "This is precisely why I didn't want to tell you. I didn't want you to build up hope."

"And why are you not being more optimistic about this?" Rhys asked. "She was your mate. You knew each other since you were kids, were best friends."

"And I am aware of that fact," Azriel said, his temper flaring slightly, but he didn't allow it to show.

Rhysand leveled his gaze. "Azriel. I know you loved her. There is now a chance that your mate, a female you thought you could never be with again, is alive," he said, his eyes filled with sorrow. "You have a chance to finally tell her how you feel, to be with her, brother."

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