Chapter Thirty-Two

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Azriel was tightening his wrist bandages when Velaria's power seeped through the bond, her familiarity flooding his senses. He let her in immediately, not even having realized that his shields were up around the bond.

How are you doing? she asked, her silky voice similar to the comfort of his warm bed at the end of the day. I'm just leaving the Autumn Court.

We convinced Kallias and we're on our way to the meeting spot, Azriel reported, attaching the last part of his bandage. He picked up a smooth birch comb laying on the dresser and fingered the intricate designs along its handle before raising it to his head and combing his hair. How is the ally-getting mission going?

Hesitation flickered down the bond. Do you want to know?

Azriel's heart skipped a beat. Did something go wrong?

I don't want to give you false hope.

Vel, I'm here for you.

Velaria paused before responding, I got allies in every court.

Azriel almost dropped the comb, trying quickly to hide his surprise before it got sent down the bond.

I felt that, Velaria said. He could practically hear her smirk.

Azriel chuckled out loud. Who did you get from every court?

From Dawn I recruited Ezio Zephyr, Thesan's Captain of the Guard, and Ciel, Thesan's lover.

I know who Ezio Zephyr and Ciel are.

Oh, you shut up, Velaria said, amusement rippling down the bond. I got every Vanserra brother.

Except for Lucien.

About that...Lucien isn't under Tamlin's spell.

That's impossible. You saw him get possessed. Azriel set the comb down and stood up, glancing around the room Kallias had given him. He surveyed the area, making sure that he didn't leave anything before he left to meet Feyre, Kallias, and Viviane.

Helion healed it out of him before he was able to kill him. He told me he may be able to–hold on. Velaria's presence vanished from Azriel's mind, leaving him to process everything she had just said.

First of all, Helion was alive, the bastard. Azriel couldn't say he was surprised that he had faked his own death, but Lucien was High Lord of Day, was he not? Unless–

All of Prythian still believed that Lucien was under Tamlin's spell, and that Winter was the only court with a High Lord not siding with Tamlin.

Azriel let out a rough laugh. Whoever came up with the plan to keep Lucien as an inside agent was a fucking genius and deserved a beer or ten from Rhysand's bank account.

Sorry, Az. Velaria was back suddenly, her tone more urgent. I have to go, but I'll be back soon, I promise.

Okay. Azriel started to hide his disappointment, but decided against it. I miss you. Stay safe.

Miss you, too. And then she was gone.

Azriel sighed, taking one last look at the room. He would have winnowed out but Kallias's wards were protected against it. Instead, he walked down the stairs, through a couple of silver hallways, and out the front door to where Kallias, Feyre, Viviene, and Kori were waiting.

Feyre looked up at him and smiled. "Azriel. Perfect. We're all ready to leave, then, Kallias."

Kallias nodded, his expression set. "Then we shall be off." He looked to Feyre. "I'll show you the way past the wards to a place where we can all winnow freely. I'll winnow Viviane and the babe, but you'll need to..." His voice trailed off as he got farther away from where Azriel and Viviane were standing.

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