Chapter Forty-Nine

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"This could actually work," Kallias said, having just heard Helion's story. "This could actually fucking work." He turned to Viviane, whose eyes were shining bright with hope, the same hope that Azriel's eyes had shone with when Helion had told him the same crazy story.

"You are insane for doing that," Ezio said, the same hope having returned to his eyes. "Absolutely fucking insane."

"But we thank you for it," Feyre said, silver glinting at the corner of her eyes. "Thank you, Helion, for bringing us hope."

Cormac rubbed his hands together, leaning against one of the standing posts of Helion's tent. A wild grin was on his face, the burning Autumn Court fire alight in his eyes. "So...who are we healing next?"

Helion turned to Feyre. "Are you ready for this one?" he asked. "You healed most of the Spring Court residents well."

Feyre considered, looking back from Azriel to Helion, and back again. Her freckles crinkled with her answering smile. "I'll do it."

"Who do we go after?" Amren asked, silver eyes calculating.

"Who would be most beneficial, or easy to get to?" Viviane started to bounce Kori, looking up at her mate.

The entire tent fell silent as some of the most powerful fae in Prythian began to think and consider.

"Not Rhysand," Mor said, inhaling sharply at her cousin's name. "As much as I would like for him to be healed, he'll likely be under lock and guard."

"So we go after Eris or Thesan," Ciel said gruffly.

"Thesan may be able to heal just as we can," Feyre said with a glance at Helion.

"Then it's decided." Helion's amber eyes darted around the room. "We heal Thesan next."

"Azriel." Feyre's gaze met his. "Will you come with me?"

"Absolutely," Azriel replied.

✿ ↬ - - - ↫ ✿


She had to tell someone, get the message out somehow. They needed to know what Tamlin was planning, what he was going to do. She had to tell her mate, tell Helion, tell Feyre.

They were in so much trouble.

She was trapped in the fucking Spring Court with an utterly destructive High Lord and High Lord prisoners. Her mate was halfway across the continent, along with her only chance of being rescued.

She had to get out, so she could warn them, tell them that they were all in big trouble.

Helion needed to heal more people, needed to get everyone else back on their sides, but how would he get into the indestructible fortress that was the Spring Court manor.

Velaria started to move but the chains snagged and she fell to the floor, crying out. She slammed into the hardwood floors. She had to get somewhere, out of this room, couldn't be here anymore.

The birds were taunting her with their incessant chirps. The breeze was completely absent, warm spring air blowing in through the window. If she could just get to the open window, could shove her head outside for even a breath of fresh air–

The chains tugged her backwards as she tried to take a step forward towards the window. She cried out in desperation, looping her hands around the chains and yanking. But the bed refused to budge, trapping her in a constant struggle, pulling.

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