Chapter Thirteen

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✦ ───── ✧ Back Again to Spring ✧ ───── ✦


She sat down, across from Tamlin, in a destroyed parlor. The sage green couch smelled faintly of mist and cedar, of her mate. It had large claw marks running down the length of the cushions, the cream interior peeking through the tears.

Tamlin followed her gaze and grimaced at the couch, his gaze calculated. "I got upset."

"Your beast form has claws, then," Velaria replied, unsure of what else to say. "Interesting."

Tamlin cleared his throat. "How are you, Velaria?" he asked. "Lucien informed me that the shadowsinger found you while you were in Koschei's employment."

Velaria nodded. "Yes, that's right," she said. "I was attending the Autumn Court Ball under his instruction."

"I didn't think you would come to see me. Why?"

"I missed you. I wanted to see you." The latter statement certainly wasn't a lie.

Tamlin shut his eyes, knuckles turning white from his tight grip on the starchy green pants he was wearing. "I presume that Rhysand has told you things about me."

"Tam..." Velaria reached out and put a gentle hand on Tamlin's knee. He looked at her, his emerald eyes gleaming with surprise. "None of that matters to me. Yes, I listened to it, but you were – are – my friend. My own experiences come before that of another's."

It was the partial truth. She wanted to see for herself if he had turned into the broken male her brother had described.

"I made mistakes, but rest assured that I am correcting them and making my life right in the best way possible," Tamlin said. He put a hand on top of Velaria's, rubbing it with his thumb.

"And how is that?"

Tamlin's thumb stopped stroking her hand, his expression turning distant and cold. He shook his head and smiled. "Nothing you need to concern yourself with," he said. "Everything will work out in the end."

"There was something I meant to talk to you about." She removed her hand from his thigh and folded her hands in her lap.

Tamlin watched her motions with a careful eye. "I knew it. You're here on Rhysand's business." He stood up, snarling, "I knew it. You didn't actually want to see me."

Velaria stood up immediately. She was a good six inches shorter than him but placed a gentle hand on his shoulder regardless. His muscled shoulder rose and fell under her touch.

"No, Tam," Velaria said. "I was going to ask if I can stay with you for at least a little while. I wanted to catch up with you and have it be like the old times."

Tamlin's body physically relaxed at her words, his expression softening. "Yes. Of course," he said, his breathing beginning to slow as well.

"Thank you."

"I do have to warn you that the Summer Solstice celebration is next week, which includes Calanmai," Tamlin said. "It is your choice to attend or not, but I am expected to."


"May I show you to a room?" Tamlin asked, sweeping a hand towards the cascading marble staircase.

"That would be lovely."

"Follow me."

Velaria followed Tamlin up the staircase and into a bright, dusty room. A four-poster bed lay in the middle of the room, gold curtains tied to each post. A fluffy white carpet was on the floor, a ray of moonlight illuminating it.

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