Chapter Seven

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 ✦ ───── ✧ Lost and Found ✧ ───── ✦

"No," Azriel growled, four centuries of pain behind that growl, stepping in front of Velaria. He had just found her. He would not lose her again. His siphons flared in response to his anger and his wings began to open.

"Azriel, it's okay," Velaria said quietly. She moved in front of him and cupped his cheek with one hand, using the other to hold his scarred hands gently. "I will see you again. In another life, another place."

Azriel looked around her to glare at the ancient lord. "She cannot be one of your prodigies, Lord. She is the sister of the High Lord of the Night Court, and we have been sent to retrieve her," he said coolly, somehow collected even as tears threatened to surface in his eyes.

But Koschei only smirked. "I am afraid you cannot do that, Shadowsinger," he purred. "Velaria is my property until her life's debt is paid in full to me."

"What debt, Koschei?" Cassian snarled, not bothering with the formalities. He stepped forward, an Illyrian blade in each hand.

Koschei raised an eyebrow at Velaria, who cleared her throat. "I fled after Osric tried to kill me and flew to the continent. I was attacked by some ravagers and Koschei saved me after they drugged me," she said, refusing to meet Azriel's shocked stare. I've been working with him ever since to repay my debt and for each day I spend with him."

Azriel gritted his teeth. "How is that even plausible?"

"I make more on missions than I owe him for each day I spend in his care," Velaria explained. "The difference adds up, little by little."

"How much is the debt? I'll pay it," Azriel said quickly.

"It is not for you to pay," Koschei said. "Only Velaria can pay me back for her life, Shadowsinger."

"What do you do on these missions?" Cassian asked Velaria.

"Assassin work, sometimes I'm an acting date..." Velaria trailed off, her cheeks turning pink.

Azriel's fists clenched at his sides. He whirled on Cassian. "Get Rhys. Now," he snapped. Cassian sprinted away, wings readying for flight. Azriel turned to Velaria again, and asked, "You're a prostitute?"

Velaria inhaled sharply, wincing. "That's a-that's a strong word, Az," she said. "But y-yeah. I guess so."

"Velaria engages in work appeasing our lords and ladies," Koschei said simply, almost as if he had practiced this.

"Bullshit," Azriel snarled. "You found a pretty face and used it for your own benefit." He closed the gap between him and Koschei with a quick step, towering over Koschei with two inches between them. "I am going to fucking murder you."

"Azriel, don't do this," Velaria warned. "I don't need you to protect me anymore."

Before Azriel could make a move on Koschei, Rhysand winnowed straight into the hallway. He turned around and his face went pale, his knees buckling. Azriel reached out and grabbed his High Lord before he crashed into the floor.

"Vela," Rhysand whispered, tears beginning to stream down his cheeks. "Vela."

Velaria, not hesitating, hugged her brother. "Rhys," she said, her voice cracking.

The siblings sobbed together on the floor, broken and separated hearts now meeting and beating together for the first time in centuries.

"What a touching reunion," Koschei mused. "It's a pity I have to take Velaria away now."

Rhysand looked up, bewildered, forgetting to act the part of a High Lord. "No."

"Sorry, High Lord," Koschei said, shrugging. "Velaria belongs to me. until her life debt is paid."

Azriel snarled. "No, she does not. Even though she is my mate, she does not belong to anyone. Especially not you."

Velaria shot him a grateful glance.

Rhysand stood up, putting his hands in his pocket. Rhysand's mask slipped on so quickly that almost no one noticed. "Surely you can honor the mating bond, Koschei?"

Koschei smiled crookedly. "No can do. Our agreement is made out of magic as ancient as your dear Amren."

Cassian appeared behind Rhysand, barely panting. He surveyed the scene, the gears turning in his head, before squeezing his eyes shut.

"When will she be released from this agreement." It wasn't a question coming out of Azriel's mouth, every word cold and cruel. He would do anything, anything, to get Velaria back. He would not lose her again.

"Once her debt is paid. Then she will be returned to you, Shadowsinger," Koschei said. He beckoned towards Velaria, holding out a hand. "Come now, my star pupil. Back to the continent we go."

Velaria swallowed, a singular tear slipping down her cheek. "I'm sorry. I'll be back as soon as I can," she said, bowing her head and reaching towards Koschei.

"Wait," Rhysand blurted. "How much? I can pay. I have plenty of money–"

"No money at all, High Lord," Koschei said. "Velaria must pay it herself. Now, we must be off."

Rhysand put a hand to his chin, deep in thought. He realized something and his eyes widened. "Hold on," he said, right as Koschei was gearing up to winnow.

Koschei leveled a bored gaze with the High Lord. "I tire of this, Lord of Night."

"Velaria has an inheritance. From our mother," Rhysand said, his eyes closed as he thought carefully about what to say. "It should be enough to cover whatever...debt she has." Rhysand rambled off a very high number, but still far too low for the worth of Velaria's life.

Velaria's eyes widened, and Koschei frowned. "Yes, that would be enough..." he said regretfully.

Rhysand summoned a couple of satchels of coins with a flick of his wrist, throwing them to Velaria, who caught them swiftly. She counted quickly and divided the bags with her own magic into new bags, handing one to Koschei.

Koschei took the bag, weighing it in his hands with an exasperated sigh. "Fine. I, Koschei, Lord of the Lake, release you, Velaria, Princess of the Night Court, from our arrangement," he said, his tone disappointed, before winnowing away.

Velaria gasped, running into her brother's arms the minute Koschei was gone. "Thank you, thank you, thank you."

"It was the least I could do," he said gruffly, his eyes already filled with tears.

Velaria looked him in the eyes and said something to him mind to mind. She turned to Azriel after a second and asked, her voice weak, "Az, do you still have my shadows?"

Azriel nodded and whispered a command to the shadows circling him frantically. Shadows separated from his, rushing to her. They began to embrace her and fly all around her, one rubbing up against her cheek.

"Thank you," Velaria whispered, her arms still around her brother. "For finding me, and for everything."

"We would do it again and again," Azriel said quietly.

Velaria looked at him, releasing Rhysand before walking over to her mate. She pressed a kiss to his cheek and offered him a hand. "Let's go home, shall we?"

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