Chapter Thirty-Five

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I realized I warned the Ao3 folks but not you all. This chapter is heartbreaking, and...I'm sorry. Truly. 


Azriel yanked open the tent flap to find everyone already inside the insanely large tent that Helion had insisted he have for the meeting.

"Azriel. How nice of you to join us." Ciel's tone was only slightly cold towards the shadowsinger.

Azriel put his hands up, a slight smile creeping up his face. "I'm not the last one here."

Feyre frowned. "Who is?"

Velaria entered the tent, stretching. "I can't believe you all forgot about me," she said. "I apologize for my lateness; the fae I was sharing my tent with was snoring during his nap."

Azriel gaped at his mate. "I was not."

"Were too." Velaria stuck her tongue out at him before walking to stand next to Helion where he was standing in front of the big table that had a map of Prythian on it. "What are we looking at?"

"Current locations of Tamlin's small armies," Helion said without looking up. His arms were propped up against the table as he stared directly at the map. "Provided to us by the Spring Court sentries who joined us."

Velaria frowned, her gaze darting all around the room. "And why are we focusing on Tamlin's armies?"

"To predict his next move," Kallias said, his brows furrowing ever so slightly. "And to act before he can."

Velaria shook her head. "That doesn't make sense."

"What part of it doesn't make sense?" Cresseida asked. "If we can get ahead of Tamlin–"

"Tamlin is telling no one his plans. Even I didn't see his plans on Calanmai coming," Velaria pointed out. "All of us together certainly aren't going to figure it out."

A few fae opened their mouths to speak before Velaria snapped, "Keep your damned shields up. I can hear you all criticizing my vanity. But it's not vanity. It's the faith I have in my abilities. I spent centuries studying the inner workings of every court, the minds of every High Lord."

Helion and Kallias shared a glance.

But Velaria continued, "I know how you all think without having to go into your minds to see what you're going to do. This isn't a fucking threat, Kallias," she growled. "Stop thinking that. I'm trying to prove my point that I didn't see what Tamlin had coming, and I have no idea what he's doing next."

Mostly everyone seemed convinced, with Kallias and Ciel seeming the most skeptical, but it was Azriel who found fault in her last statement. He saw the slight twitch of the corner of her mouth, the clouded fear in her eyes.

Velaria knew what Tamlin was planning, Azriel realized with a jolt. She knew what he was going to do next.

I can still hear your thoughts, Azriel.

"What do you suggest we do instead, then, Velaria?" Ciel asked dryly. Azriel snarled at the Second of the Dawn Court, and Ciel withdrew a bit.

What is Tamlin planning, Velaria?

"We stop his plans by nabbing something very crucial to him," Velaria said. She leaned over and circled a point on the map with her finger. The Spring Court. "We steal his stone."

I don't completely know, has something to do with me and my powers, I'm sure of it.

Why didn't you tell them?

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