Karma: Twenty Two

432 18 1

Tomura's Pov
I said goodbye to Izuku and started making my way to Dabi's place. He sent a text asking me to hang out with him, when I got there he was laying on the couch looking high as fuck as he drank some liquor.

"Damn how many of those have you had?" I ask as I sit down looking at all the empty bottles "I lost count..." "why are you even doing this?" "Why not? Want some?" "I'm good"

He groaned as he rubbed his eyes staring at the ceiling before sighing "something wrong?" I ask "no" "well you look depressed, what's up?" "Nothing man...I'm just thinking" "about what?"


I looked at him and looked away for a second "Izuku?" "Yeah...I can't get my mind off him" "like...fuck his face is gorgeous, the more I think about him the more I realized that I wasn't even paying attention to him at all, I wish I could've just put more effort when we would talk"

"I saw him today and he was laughing, his laugh was cute and his smile...damn...I lost a 10/10" I looked down at my hands as I fidgeted with my fingers "do you....do you like him?" I ask him. "I don't know...it's like I do but same time I don't" "I think I just like the idea of being with him...cuz seriously he's fine, have you see him?"

"Mhm, I always thought he was pretty" I say as I get up walking over to the kitchen to grab something to eat. "Yeah...do you think I could get him to talk to me again?" "I don't know, is that what you want?"

"Yeah, I wanna fix what happened I mean he hates my ass, he calls me a player like he ain't one himself" "well...he's not wrong, you are one" he looked at me frowning as I laughed "come on man you know it's true, every time you break a girls heart they always come to me all mad, I don't even know why like it's not my business"

"Also, aren't you talking to some girl?" "Yeah and?" "So then why are you trying to get with Izuku again if you're talking someone else" "because, I'm trying to entertain myself till I get Izuku back, I be crying at nights getting mad about him"

"Really...?" "Yeah..." he sighed and got up walking over to me patting my shoulders "you think it's too late to try and get him back?" He asks. I stand there not knowing how to respond, he doesn't have a clue about me and Izuku.

"I don't know...I mean do you seriously like him?" "Yes" "for real? Like look man you gotta remember that's a dude and well you ain't ever date a guy before" "yeah I know" "so you're up to do things with a guy than a girl?" "Yes, Tomura I literally slept with him" "oh...right I forgot about that"

"Well...if you really like him then...I guess you can try talking to him again, just don't he mean you've been approaching him with steam coming out your ears from being all mad"

"Not even, but what do I tell him?" "Hm...just say what's on your mind, explain to him what you want" "okay...and if he says no?" "Then leave it at that, you can't force him to like you" "yeah I can" "nope, don't even try it"

He laughed as we sat together staring at the tv. "Wait..." "what?" "He has a boy friend" "huh? Really?" "Yeah...unless he lied, I don't know either way I'll get my way, I'll make him mine"

unless he lied, I don't know either way I'll get my way, I'll make him mine"

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