The First night

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"Where are you running to? " Harsh stopped Hedhran halfway to his room. Siya and Hiya stood beside him completely blocking Hedhran.

"Look, I am hella tired. I need to rest. So cut it out".

" We can't let you in so early " Hiya said

"I don't think you are going to rest any way" Harsh said with a cocky grin on his face.

Hedhran glared at his brother, while both Hiya and siya looked a bit embarrassed by the comment.

"Just move aside" Hedhran snapped.

"Give us money. We will go" Siya offered. Harsh and Hiya nodded their heads in agreement.

"I have a better idea. Why don't I block all your cards? "

"What? You can't do that. " Hiya said

"I can and I will Hiya"

Both siya and Hiya moved aside while harsh remained intact. Hedhran shoved him aside and moved ahead. A little later he called out
"Harsh, come here for a second"

"What? Don't tell me you need my advice or something. " Harsh said

"I  know that you have got a pretty little crush on my wife. Get over it"

Harsh looked at his brother with a partially shocked expression.

"I know you too well Harsh..... I also know that you won't ever cross your line."

"I won't. She is my bhabhi now. And it was not a romantic typa crush. It was just a respect kinda crush" Harsh said.

"As you say. .. Goodnight then"

"Are really going to sleep? " Harsh asked with  a mischievous grin spread out on his face.

"Get lost " Hedhran snapped.

Hedhran had just entered his room when he heard her.

"Look who is here. My darling husband!!!" Niharika said obviously mocking him. Hedhran ignored her and made his way to the wardrobe.

"Are you going to ignore me during the whole time we remain married? "

Hedhran turned around and faced her. 

"Look. I am not dying for your attention but we need to talk...... We need to discuss some things if we are going to share this room" She said.

Hedhran crossed his arms over his chest and studied her. She was still dolled up in that heavy lehenga of hers. She seemed as exhausted as him. He couldn't understand her necessity  to initiate an unnecessary conversation with him rather than just resting.

"Like what? " He probed.

"Like... Where will you sleep? "

"I will sleep where I always sleep. On my bed"

"Where will I sleep then? "

"You can sleep on the couch. It is very comfortable" He said motioning towards the black couch.

"If it's as comfortable as you say. Why don't you sleep on that? I will sleep on the bed"

"I am not going to sleep on a couch"

"Fine. Let's sleep together on the bed" Niharika said frustrated

"Fine by me. I don't see any problem in that"

"You don't? "Niharika asked meeting his glance.

"Look.. If you are fantasizing about me jumping on you. It's not gonna happen. Forget it, if you have such dreams. I am not interested in you"

"What??? Seriously ??? I would rather kill myself than dream about you"

"I guess the feeling is mutual. Fine then"

"Fine" She said through her clenched teeth.

"I am going to sleep after washing myself. You do whatever the hell you want to. " Saying this Hedhran strode to the washroom.

"Jerk" She said.  Irritated she moved towards the wardrobe. It was as spacious as the living room in her home. Glancing around, she realised that it has been rearranged to accomodate her. Finding her clothes opposite to that of Hedhran seemed a bit intimidating. She exhaled. but then it suddenly dawned on her that this entire marriage thing was definitely not going to limit to a mere contract, instead their paths are going to be entwined with each other forever. The sudden realisation made her uneasy.

"God! What have I done? " She sighed. She needed a hot shower to declutter her mind. She stripped off her jewellery. Every single piece of it except her mangal sutra (nuptial chain). She wiped the entire makeup off her face and disentangled her hair. Her thick long hair was finally set loose.
Picking up her towel and  robe, she walked out of the wardrobe, only to hit something wet and hard, the sudden encounter threw her off balance, but a strong muscular hand around her wrist safely secured her. It took her a  whole damn minute to realise that the wet and hard surface was her husband and that he was standing a bit too close to her. Hedhran was just in his towel, water still dripping from his body making his muscular frame a great deal more appealing than it already was. It was the first time she had seen him like that. It was the first time she had seen any man like that. She gulped. Hedhran had still not let go of her wrist. He was staring at her, holding onto her wrist like his life depended on it. There was something else in his eyes, the intensity of his stare was bit too overwhelming. Coming out of the trance, she quickly pulled out her wrist and escaped into the bathroom.

"What the hell was that? " Once inside the bathroom she said to herself. She fanned her face.

"I think I need a cold shower ,its definitely hot in here" She declared.

Hedhran twisted and tossed himself on the bed. He couldn't sleep. His wife has still not returned from the washroom.
"Did she fell asleep in there" He pondered. The image of Niharika, bare faced , hair loose, in her lehenga suddenly flashed across his mind. The little encounter they had before was unsettling even for him. She was a little too close to him. He had wanted to wrap her hair around his hands. But to his disappointment, Niharika  quickly pulled herself out of his grip.

"That hair of hers was definitely going to be a problem". He sighed.

Suddenly the bathroom door  opened and Niharika walked out in her robe, her hair all wet.
" This was definitely a very bad idea "
Hedhran cursed himself. To her he added,

"For fucks sake, turn that bloody light off" He snapped.

"Oh god. What the hell is the matter with you"

"I am trying to get some sleep.  Can't you see? "

"No. I can't. I have been in there for almost  an hour. Why aren't you asleep yet? "

"Because that damned water was running. I could hear it"

"What?? Oh my god!!!! Oh my god!!!! I don't think I can do this. I can't live with you. You are  intolerable"

"You don't have a choice. You will have to live with me"

"I know I am doomed"

"Whatever, turn that light off. And... For god sake put on some  clothes"

"What.? "
Hedhran ignored her and turned to face the opposite side.

"That man is mad" Niharika mumbled as she rushed to the wardrobe to put her clothes on.
Hedhran laid there, still wide awake. A few minutes later, he felt her presence at the other side of the bed. There was a bit of twisting and turning for about a minute, but that  dissolved quickly. She was asleep.

"How could she sleep so peacefully knowing I am next to her?  Hedhran  wondered.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2023 ⏰

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