Moving home

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I get off the plane after arriving in Boston. My home town

My mom and I get in the car and start driving home when I get added to a group chat

-Y/n has been added


Matt: hurry up Y/n

Chris: we miss you can you be any slower

Me: calm down I didn't even get on my flight yet

Chris: WHAT

matt: your joking.

Me: yeah I am, I'm like a minute away

I put down my phone, my house is right next to theirs which is why were so close because we always used to hang out as kids

I arrive at my house and I get out of the car

Me and my mom get our luggage out of the car and bring it into the house

I bring my stuff up to my old room where all my stuff remains from years ago

I start putting my clothes in my dresser and hanging shirts up and I hear a knock on my  door

"Who is it" I turn to the door and the triplets are all in the doorway

"Why are you just standing there" I laugh and they all run in

Matt and nick rush into a hug and Chris goes straight onto my bed and starts jumping on it

Matt and nick let go and we all watch Chris "no hug?" I say and he jumps off the bed and hugs me

"I missed you" he says into my shoulder "I missed you guys so much it's been way to long"

We let go

I keep putting my stuff away and they tell me all about what they've been doing for the past three years

"School starts on Friday" nick groans "why friday..not Monday?" I ask

"I don't know that's how the school does it now"

"That means we can hangout all weekend and week" Chris says excitedly

"Sure" I say and they nod

"You hungry?" Matt asks "Oh my God I'm starving"

"I'll order something what do you guys want"

"Taco bell" I say and he nods going onto his phone

We walk downstairs and go over to their house and eat

You and me - Chris Sturniolo Where stories live. Discover now