Hurt. (Stanley Hotel pt. 2)

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"Your not safe....leave" I say loudly the same way I heard it

"It's" I say

A few seconds of silence later I heard some kind of elevator music?

"Coming" I say

"Do you like" I ask


I feel taps on my knee and it causes me to jump and the headphones to fall forward off my ears and they land in my lap

I quickly pull the blindfold off my face and everybody is talking

"Did anything make sense?" I ask

"You have no idea" I look and don't see Nick by us and he's standing in the corner scared

"Let's go on" Sam says


We go outside to make our way towards the concert hall where a little girl named Lucy is said to live

We walk in and there's a bunch of stuff that shows signs of construction going on recently down here

We do stuff with the cat ball, rempod, music box, etc

Just asking questions to these spirits I guess

After a few more methods of talking to spirits we start walking through the building and have to watch where we're walking because there's nails and broken boards everywhere

I look up at the ceiling because Sam had stopped walking and pointed up at some marks on the roof

"What is that?" I ask and raise my arm to reach towards the ceiling and not realize I'm still walking

I kick something and quickly look down and I'm falling forward

"Yn!" Chris yells and I throw my arms forward to catch myself

I roll my hand at the wrist and something digs into my shin

I turn over and hold my wrist and try tosit up to look at my leg

There's a gash through my leggings and I can see blood

Everyone rushes over and I lay on my back and try not to yell from the pain

Matt comes to my face and sits and sets my head on his lap

He holds me there and tries to keep me still

I squint my eyes in pain and yell through my teeth

I feel something tighten around my leg and I lift my head to look and Colby is shirtless and tieing his shirt around my leg to stop the blood as much as possible

I see peeking barely at my leg and he's on the phone a few feet away

"Yeah get here fast it's bad" he says to his phone and hangs up

Chris comes over with water

"It's just a scratch it can't be that ba- oh.." he says getting his first glimpse of my leg

He opens the water bottle in his hands and I open my mouth and he slowly pours it into my mouth

I swallow it and hold my hands over my face in embarrassment

Not long after I hear sirens "did you call 911?!" I sit up and feel dizzy from going up so fast

"Woah" I close my eyes and lower myself back down

"Yes you need to go to the hospital this is nad" Chris says and medics rush in with a stretcher

They lift me onto it and I hiss in pain as they rush me back into the ambulance

"She's losing blood but if we get her to the hospital she'll be fine" one medic says

Chris gets in the ambulance with me and we start driving to I assume the hospital


I open my eyes and I'm in a hospital bed and the room is dimly lit

I look to either side and I see my hand in another

I move a pillow to see who it is and the arm leads to Chris's body and he's asleep

I rub his hand with my thumb and lay down for a while

I wake up and now It's morning

I see I'm still holding hands with Chris but Matt Nick and Colby are here too

Nick notices I'm awake and gets the nurse to come back in

She checks my blood pressure and everything she needs to and gives me a release form

I sign it and she says I can leave in a few hours

I ask for my phone and Matt hands it to me

I see things from Instagram and I have loads of notifications

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I look over at Chris and just look a him sitting there for maybe 30 seconds

"What are you staring at me for?" He smiles

I shake my head and look away


We get back to our main hotel and I crutch my way into the elevator and then into our room

The boys follow me and I make my way over to me and Chris's bed

I set my crutches down while standing on my one leg

I keep my left leg elevated as I climb in bed and get comfy

Since it's already getting late again Chris follows me into bed and sits his back against the headboard

He lays his back at an angle with a pillow under his back and I scoot myself over to him and lay my head on his chest and hold over his stomach with one arm

"Goodnight" I whisper

"Goodnight b" he says and I feel butterflies in my stomach

I inhale his familiar scent and fall asleep with him

You and me - Chris Sturniolo Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu